User:Humblefool/Ex Mediation page

What kinds of disputes are right for mediation?


There is only one type of dispute that the mediation committee can work with: User Disputes. Often, the dispute of over an article, such as the inclusion or removal of certain information from contentious or political articles. For the Mediation Committee to attempt mediation, there must be:

  • Two parties to the dispute
  • Agreeable points of contention
  • Agreeable mediator selection

These are open to interpretation; the two parties could be groups with the same mind set, for example.

Sample Request


User:foo and User:bar


Basis of the dispute


<here, spell out the dispute between the two parties, including the points of contention and acceptable mediators from the list of mediators. Be brief, there will be time for long-winded arguing after mediation is accepted. Be sure to tell User:bar that mediation has been requested.> <User:foo>

User:bar's response


<here, the other party should accept or decline mediation on the points brought up by User:foo and name acceptable mediators. Please, be civil.> <User:bar>



<mediators will accept the case and make general comments here.>