About: HowAboutYouThinkAboutIt


I'm generally most concerned with the accuracy and completeness of any article I may become involved with on Wiki.

I believe I'm generally an open minded individual who enjoys discussions and learning new information, especially when I find out I was misinformed or missing vital information previously.

Not being familiar with the vast number of guidelines within Wikipedia, I appreciate assistance and helpful instruction when appropriate by more experienced members who desire to assist those who are unfamiliar or less experienced with writing, editing, commenting, and so on. I endeavor to assist other less experienced members of the community, as well, when I can.

I do not appreciate name calling, insults, disparaging comments, remarks about one's intelligence attributed to such nonsense as whether a word should have been capitalized, accusations of having an agenda, or any other variation of personal attack. I prefer collaboration and discussion for mutual awareness and agreement, and appreciate assistance in correcting and improving any grammar, references, wording, clarity, etc. of any article I may be contributing to.

My username was chosen after seeing so many heated discussions where individuals were obviously out of control, more concerned with emotional satiation and not giving in, and unwilling to actually listen to what was clearly being said by other members who were correct or had valid points. These battles would have each been easily resolved had the upset individual just taken a step back, taken a deep breath and simply thought about what was being said. The name is intended to remind members to cool down and consider what's being said and to collaborate in a spirit of equal contribution for the benefit of those who will benefit from the completed work once it is completed. If the username is taken in any other sense, it is not what was intended.

If you think you can assist me, please feel free to provide information, background, instruction, references, and so on on my talk pages, as it will be appreciated if it is actually useful and helpful info as opposed to opinion or simply criticism.

Hopefully, if you've found what I've written here, you'll take some time to consider what I've shared here and you're intent is actually to assist and provide me with some useful information or dialog.

With this in mind, I thank you in advance for your help in tackling this thing we call Wiki...
Howaboutyouthinkaboutit (talk) 05:23, 20 September 2009 (UTC)