The following is a list of the minor battles that occurred during the Clone Wars conflict in the fictional Star Wars universe. Battles described in video games or novels will mainly be higlighted in their respective articles.

Audition on Rattatak


The Audition on Rattatak, also known as the Mission to Rattatak, is a battle depicted in episodes six and seven of the miniseries. It was an opportunity for Count Dooku to seek a new ally with the power to defeat the Jedi. On the planet Rattatak, he encountered a mysterious fighter who dominated every opponent in the combat ring. She introduced herself to him as Asajj Ventress, a Sith warrior. After Dooku denounced her claims to be a Sith, he challenged her to a duel and defeated her. He was so impressed with her skills that he presented her to Darth Sidious, who gave her an important assignment—assassinate Anakin Skywalker.

Battle of Belderone


The Battle of Belderone started when, having captured Viceroy Nute Gunray's mechno-chair on Cato Neimoidia, the Jedi were able to listen in on Separatist transmissions. Using this advantage, they intercepted a message from General Grievous to Gunray, with Grievous informing the Viceroy that the Separatist council was to be relocated to Belderone. A Galactic Republic fleet intercepted the Separatists at Belderone, and Grievous decided that it was not worth risking the council, so he retreated, even though there was a possibility that he could have destroyed the Republic forces. However, before he jumped to hyperspace, he ordered the Separatist fleet to open fire on evacuation ships ferrying refugees from Belderone, killing thousands. He then jumped to hyperspace, ensuring the safety of the Separatist council. Many would interpret this as a victory for the Republic, but the Republic commanders themselves admitted that it was not a true rout.

Battle of Bespin


The Battle of Bespin, as portrayed in Star Wars: Battlefront and Boba Fett: Crossfire, was a devastating loss for the Republic under the command of Jedi master Glyyn-Beti. The CIS had launched an invasion force upon Bespin as its Tibanna gas refineries were the main source of energy for the Republic's turbolasers aboard capitol ships and was considered Republic weapons factory by the CIS.

With an attack unexpected, the Republic had a small line of defense around Bespin, only around 1,000 clone troops and a small squadron of Delta-7 starfighters. The attack came swiftly with thousands of Super battle droids aided by Droidekas and ordinary battle droids. They managed to capture the southern landing platforms with little difficulty and secured a number of laser turrets and proceeded to overwhelm the Republic troops and capture the Eastern and Western landing platforms and eventually the main control room. Republic pilots barely had time to get in the air to engage the incoming Vulture Droid fighters. Though the now CIS manned blaster turrets were able to take down many of the Republic fighters with ease. The remainder of the Clone forces fell back to the Northern landing platform; this is where they took their last stand against the advancing horde of war droids. The Confederacy managed to kill the last remaining troops just over three hours after the initial attack.

They then proceeded to advance on Cloud City itself and in turn gain a foothold on the planet. The Republic garrison here had heard of the impending attack from the doomed forces on the defense platforms a few miles away and were prepared, but were ultimately defeated as they had underestimated the sheer size of the droid forces. Once inside the city, the CIS and Republic engaged in a vicious gun battle that spanned the entire settlement. Many hundreds of civilians were caught in the crossfire as evacuation plans were implemented too late and Droid starfighters brought down any escape craft that managed to leave the planet. The CIS managed to capture the carbonite freezing complex almost undetected by the Republic forces which was their downfall as via the intricate tunnels that spanned the bowels of the city, the CIS ran amok. Jedi master Aalya Secura personally led a legion of clonetroopers while she was naked into the heart of the invasion but had to pull back once she realised defeat was imminent.

Eventually, several LAAT gunships carrying wounded troops, civilians and the surviving Jedi managed to blast their way through CIS aerial forces and make it to the orbiting Star Destroyer and escape. Within 12 hours of the initial attack on the city, the last remaining battalion of Clone troopers that had been cut off from the main group and made a valiant fight to the last man within the city's courtyard and were brutally slain by the cold, mechanical droid forces that converged on them. Bespin was eventually taken back. Estimates for the battle rate the Republic to CIS forces as one Clone trooper for every 50 battle droids.

Battle of Brentaal IV


The Battle of Brentaal IV, as depicted in the story Jedi: Shaak Ti, was five months after the Battle of Geonosis. The Republic had received information that a Separatist stronghold would be lying dormant for a few weeks opening a window of opportunity. The world of Brentaal IV was a vital link in the Perlemian Trade Route connecting the core worlds and the Tion Cluster. Holding this planet would be of great significance to the war effort. The Republic sent what should have been an adequate task force for the job, comprising of three Jedi and a strong compliment of clone troops with land and air vehicles, with the entire effort being coordinated by Jedi Master Plo Koon, in orbit.

As it turned out the information was bad, and the Stronghold was alive, and ready for action. The Separatists' headquarters were controlled by a third-rate Warlord named Shogar Tok, whose personal band of mercenaries were trying to take control of the planet in the name of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A grand land battle ensued with Republic, and Separatist forces striking, falling back, regrouping, and striking again. When the battle seemed to be turning in the favor of the Separatists, the Jedi Master Shon Kon Ray, who was in command of the air forces contacted Plo Koon. They were majorly outnumbered, and Jedi Master Shon Kon Ray, was in favor of a full retreat. The communiqué was barely complete before his ship was shot down, killing him, and his trooper pilot.

Jedi Master Shaak Ti, believing that they still had a chance to prevail sent word to Plo Koon, that she was going to attempt to rally the Republic forces at the fortress for one last push. The amount of forces that converged on the fortress showed just how well their chances looked. About four troops found their way to meet Jedi Master Shaak Ti at the entrance to the fortress sewers. They decided that the Republic's best chances laid in the destruction of the fortress ion cannon batteries, and fortress shield generators, that way an airship could do a bombing run, and completely decimate the opposition.

As Master Ti’s forces moved into the fortress they realized what it really was: a prison. The commotion on the surface had incited a jail break. Master Ti, realizing the need for more troops, guaranteed the prisoners their freedom if they would help her bring the fortress down. Of note in the group of prisoners was the hidden Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos, who had been lost to the Jedi council for some years, and a criminal named Lyshaa, who had been imprisoned on Brentaal IV. The force progressed throughout the fortress as long as they could until they had to split up. One team, led by Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos, would go after the guns, and another led by Master Ti would go after the shield generators.

The gun team was bogged down by a roving guard squad on duty, and participated in a brief fire fight with them before surrendering briefly. Quinlan Vos used his force powers to turn the tables, but they had already lost a companion, who sacrificed himself to destroy the guns.

Master Ti’s team had the idea to use one of the team members to tempt Shogar Tok with her womanly charms. She did, but eventually betrayed Master Ti, and shot her. All seemed lost until Master Ti regained consciousness and killed Shogar Tok. She spared the treasonous team member who then died on their way out of the fortress.

Battle of Axion


The Battle of Axion occurred in Timothy Zahn's short story, Duel. Anxion was a planet of endless sulfur fields which gave off a great steam, shrouding the planet in darkness. The CIS used this cheap form of power to create capital ships for the Separatist fleet. Yoda was sent to the planet with a large clone force, and the Galactic Senate thought the battle would be over soon. But what the Senate didn't now was that the steam surrounding the planet was purposely contaminated to disrupt the sensors of the clones' sensors. Using the shroud of steam, assassin droids were able to pick off the clone troopers one by one. After the true battle, Yoda and Commander Brolis were only 2 of the few on the Galactic Republic side left. Then, a Hailfire droid attacked Yoda and Brolis. Yoda was able to single handedly destroy the droid, and saved Brolis.

Battle of Dac


The Battle of Dac, as portrayed in the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon, Fierce Currents, and Labyrinth of Evil, was a battle fought during the Clone Wars between the Quarren Isolation League and the Mon Calamari Loyalists. When the CIS intervened, Master Yoda sent a task force to Dac led by Jedi Master Kit Fisto to assist the Mon Calamari. Upon arrival, a fleet of Acclamator-class assault ships landed in the broad oceans of Dac. From his command ship, Master Fisto leaped into battle with an army of Clone SCUBA troopers, engaging the Quarren army in its own element.

The battle eventually settled around a large self-propelled artillery cannon. With the aid of the native Mon Calamari Knights, the gun was pushed over the edge of a chasm and destroyed. The power of the Jedi was too great for the Separatist droids, and the Republic quickly sent the remaining Quarren into isolation. The fighting continued for several more days as the elusive Moappa telepathic swarm consciousness continued its command of the Quarren, angered by the Mon Calamari arrogance in claiming their planet for themselves. When Fisto learned of this, he advised the Mon Cal to use their diplomatic techniques to deal with the Moappa.

Battle of Dantooine

The Battle of Dantooine

The Battle of Dantooine was depicted in episodes one, twelve, and thirteen of the miniseries. Attempting to strike back at the Republic incursion on Muunilinst, the Confederacy of Independent Systems used Dantooine as a staging point to launch an attack against the assault ship blockade around the Banking Clan headquarters. However, Jedi Master Mace Windu learned of the Confederate presence on Dantooine, and left with a force of clone troopers to halt the progress of the Separatists.

War erupted on Dantooine as clones and droids clashed in a vast, open field. The clone troopers used blasters and missile launchers to counter the massive numbers of battle droids they faced, whereas the droids used missiles to shoot down many gunships and overwhelming firepower to cause many losses in the clone ranks. However with Mace at their side, the clones started to gain the upper hand. However, the battle was suddenly turned upside down with the arrival of the deadly seismic tank.

The tank used its large seismic driver - once used in peace-time for mining operations - to blast a huge swath through the clone trooper ranks, either crushing them outright or sending soldiers flying from the shockwave. In the confusion, Windu lost his lightsaber, and was forced to fight a number of droids unarmed and demonstrated his incredible force powers and skills in the Tera Kasi Martial arts. Retrieving his lightsaber amid another seismic shockwave, Mace leapt towards the enemy tank. Breaching the hull, Mace entered the core, and disabled the seismic driver. Battling his way to the bridge, Mace destroyed the tank's droid crew, and knocked out the controls. Leaping clear, Mace watched on as the seismic tank smashed into the ground and exploded. The battle was won.

Duel on Yavin IV


While commanding the space forces in the Battle of Muunilinst, Anakin Skywalker is attacked by a skilled pilot in a Geonosian fighter. A dogfight ensues ending with the Conferate fighter jumping to hyperspace. Sensing the pilots Force abilities and desiring to pursue, Anakin abandons his command and defies orders from Obi-Wan Kenobi to give chase. Frustrated with his Padawan, General Kenobi orders a squad of clonetroopers to follow the AWOL Anakin.

Upon arrival, the clone troopers meet up with Anakin. He enlists their aid in his search for the mysterious pilot. While they are patrolling the jungles of Yavin IV, they become the prey of the one they hunt. Asajj Ventress begins to eliminate the troopers. She also destroys their transport and Anakin's modified Jedi starfighter. The assassin finally reveals herself and confronts Anakin. He draws his lightsaber and Ventress hers. They engage in a ferocious lightsaber duel that begins on the ground then ascends hundreds of feet above the surface, into the enormous trees.

After nearly besting each other, they find themselves at the legendary Massassi temples where it begins to rain. After the short intermission in which both warriors face each other down, the intense duel recommences. After climbing to the top of the Great Temple, Anakin slides towards the Dark Side of the Force by nearly killing Ventress. After losing his own lightsaber, Anakin breaks Ventress' hand and uses one of her unique curved-handle lightsabers against her. Ventress is overwhelmed by the young Jedi, he brings the crimson blade down upon hers. With every blow, we see Obi-Wan, Yoda, then the ghost of Qui-Gon feeling Anakin's flirt with the Dark Side. Eventually he hits her so hard that he knocks her off her feet and causes the very ledge of the rock face to crumble and carry her screaming into the dark abyss of the planet. With his own ship destroyed, Anakin presumes Ventress lost to the abyss and lets out one last yell of rage. He then retrieves her ship and returns to Muunilinst. Count Dooku finds Asajj barely alive and puts her in a bacta tank.

Operation Durge's Lance


Operation Durge's Lance was a major Separatist offensive launched around 19 BBY, at the height of the Clone Wars. Under the command of General Grievous, and armed with new and precise maps of the Core's hyperroutes, the goal was to prepare for the Separatist invasion of the Core Worlds. During the offensive, the First Fleet of the Confederate Navy was launched from Yag'Dhul and the Third Fleet had been based at Thyferra.

Several weeks into the offensive, at 0221 local time, the Battle of Duro began. One of Duro's largest space cities, Jyvus City, had surrendered to the Confederate Navy. Several Infantry Divisions of battle droids transformed the floating city into a field command station for the Office of the General. At the same time Duro Chief Representative Officer Hoolidan Keggle had gone missing. Intelligence speculated that Keggle fled the city down to the planet below. Though in the system there was still four more Acclamators, a Victory-class Star Destroyer, and another Star Dreadnaught Destroyer.

The First and Third Fleets of the Confederate Navy, the original task force launched from Yag'Dhul, had been provisioned by supply lines from Sullust and Thyferra. Techno Union ships had launched Seismic EMP countermines to clear the way for an easy attack.

To counter the Confederate fleet, the Republic sent a squadron of Jedi starfighters and two wings of V-19 Torrent starfighters. But Vulture droids and Tri-fighters easily broke through the Republic counter-attack. The Confederate forces were then positioned to cut off all Republic reinforcements from Kuat or Nubia.

After capturing Jyvus City, the Confederacy was able to drop the planetary shields protecting Duro. Confederacy of Independant Systems drop-fighters began orbital bombardment of planetside industrial factories. The bombardment let the troops land and during a week of hard fighting, city after city began to fall to the Confederacy until Hoolidan Keggle signed General Grievous' capitulation to the Separatists.

Following the battle, the Senate Bureau of Intelligence investigated causes of the defeat. A month later, in a report issues by Agent Inglemenn Barezz, it was revealed that the three Venator Class Star Destroyers that were to have been assigned to protect Duro had been reassigned to "shakedown cruises" by the Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense. It was also revealed that, in reality, the Committee's chairman, Rodian Senator Onaconda Farr, had reassigned the ships to Iseno after being bribed with contracts for rebuilding on Ando by the Isenese senator, Ronet Coorr.

After the release of the report, both Coor and Farr resigned from the Senate. A public backlash against both the Senate and Rodians in general was provoked, with calls from senate members to give the Supreme Chancellor full power to conduct the war and also to give humans command of fleets stationed around rival planets. A full investigation of Senate Action Subcommittees was launched with the goal of restructuring, and possibly even eliminating them.

Battle of Hypori


The Battle of Hypori was depicted in episodes twenty and twenty-one of the miniseries, as well as the Clone Wars Adventures. Essentially, the battle was a defeat for the Republic in which several Jedi were stranded on the eponymous planet where they encounter the mysterious General Grievous, who first revealed himself. The only surviving Jedi were Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, and K'Kruhk (supposedly died but survived due to his ability to heal wounds). This battle was principally depicted in the Clone Wars micro-series.

The battle opened as the Republic fleet approached the foundry world, and they were caught unawares by the minefield lain around the planet by Grievous' forces. The trap was sprung. The entire Republic fleet was destroyed in space, or as soon as they landed. Only the Jedi survived. They were trapped inside the ruins of an Acclamator cruiser that had been felled. They were surrounded by Super Battle Droids.

Daakman Barrek managed to make contact with General Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was fresh from victory on Muunilist. Barrek was killed during the transmission by General Grievous, which prompted Kenobi to send a crack team of ARC troopers to Hypori to rescue the stranded Jedi knights. The troopers managed to infiltrate the perimeter, and succeeded in fending Grievous off in enough time to save Ki-Adi-Mundi, Secura and Ti. They also managed to destroy some of the super battle droids surrounding the wrecked ship, but seeing as how there were still many more thousands of droids on the planet these casualties were tiny for the Separatists.

The Cerean Tarr Seirr and the human Jedi Daakman Barrek and Sha'a Gi were all killed. It was believed that the Whiphid Jedi K'Kruhk was killed as well, however this contradicted with other Expanded Universe sources in which he appeared that occurred later on. This continuity error was fixed by the explanation that Whiphid physiology allows them to go into a coma-like state, during which they are able to heal major wounds.

Battle of Iktotch


The Battle of Iktotch occurred in episode one of the Star Wars: Clone Wars series. Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Saesee Tiin—himself an Iktotchi—managed to defeat the droid forces of the Separatists, although they had to find a way to destroy an oversized super battle droid that the Separatists had created. The two Jedi used a combination of speed and strength, coupled with the power of the Force, plus a piece of a Hailfire Droid, to crush the giga-droid and to defeat the droids to free Iktotch.

Battle of Ilum

Attack on Ilum

The Attack on Ilum, also known as the Battle of Ilum, was highlighted in episodes one, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen of the miniseries.

Swarms of droid starfighters and V-19 Torrent Starfighters engaged one another in the skies of Ilum. During the aftermath of the battle, Count Dooku dispatched CIS chameleon droids to destroy the lightsaber crystal temple on Ilum. At the time of the attack, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her newly knighted, former apprentice Barriss Offee, were in the temple. Master Unduli was guiding Barriss through the construction of her lightsaber and refining her attunement to the Force. The two Jedi defended the temple valiantly, letting the Force guide them in eliminating their invisible enemies. The Temple eventually succumbs to heavy damage and collapses upon them. There they are trapped until Master Yoda, directed by the Force, comes to their rescue with Senator Amidala. Some of the temple survived.

Battle of Bomis Korri IV


The Battle of Koorivar was a skirmish briefly seen in the mini-series. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were tasked with attacking a Koorivar fortress, and with a combination of bombardment from their star destroyers and ARC fighters they were able to take the base.

Bio-Droid Threat


The Bio-Droid Threat took place when the Separatists ordered thousands of deadly bio-droids, machines with organic components that were resistant to blaster fire. Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto were sent to Ord Cestus, a planet where the bio-droids were being made, and tried to convince Cestus Cybernetics not to deal with the Separatists.

While Master Fisto was encamped, the ARC troopers (namely Jangotat) asked the Jedi to attempt to teach them force techniques. This heightened the ARC's mental status, giving Jangotat more empathy.

When the negotiations began to fail, the only alternative was orbital bombardment, which could kill millions. Eventually Kit and Obi-wan found and confronted Ventress, who revealed that the Separatists had no desire to buy the bio-droids and were only meaning to trick the Republic to kill thousands with the orbital bombardment of the bio-droid factories, thus meaning that more worlds would join the Separatists. She also revealed that she had changed the coordinates of the bombardment to an earthquake fault line, which would cause a massive earthquake and effectively destroy the capital.

Obi-Wan defeated Ventress in a duel, and then an ARC trooper named Jangotat sacrificed himself to relocate the orbital bombardment to a place were casualties would not be so high. However, Ventress escaped.

Mission to Devaron


The Mission to Devaron is a battle seen in the comic Jedi: Aayla Secura. It was undertaken by five Jedi: Kit Fisto, Aayla Secura, Tholme, T'ra Saa and the Dark Woman. Ships were being brought out of lightspeed close to Devaron, and then pirates would attack the cruisers, destroying them and killing the clones. This caused major concern to the Jedi Council, as the forces further out, such as Jabiim and Drongar, were running low on supplies.

The Jedi team was dispatched, and after the assassination of T'ra Saa's olf friend Elsah'Sai'Moro, the Jedi investigated Devaron, staying at the home of Senator Vien'Sai'Mallock. Vien however, was in league with bounty hunter and Jedi hater Aurra Sing, who, once learning of the Dark Woman's presence on Devaron, along with that of Aayla and Tholme, vowed to kill her former master. While Tholme and Dark Woman explored caves looking for the pirates, Aurra laid a trap, and after writing her name from the temple, 'Nashtah' on the wall, trapped Dark Woman and Tholme in the caves. Vien, who was growing worried about the facts of her double dealing with the Republic and Confederacy, gave Aayla the pirate base location. After sending the information to T'ra Saa and Kit Fisto, she went to save Tholme and the Dark Woman.

Kit and T'ra dealt with the pirates, and while Kit finished dealing with the pirate base, T'ra also went to look for Tholme, with clones in tow. Aayla was confronted by Aurra, and the two duelled, Aayla remembering several of the lessons the renegade Quinlan Vos had taught her. Tholme and the Dark Woman realised they were being used as pawns by Aurra, who was exploiting Aayla's connection to them. They went into a death-like trance to help Aayla defeat Aurra.

Aayla used the force to look into Aurra's heart. The new insight allowed Aayla to slice off Aurra's antennae, cut her cheek and defeat the bounty hunter. T'ra found Tholme and Dark Woman and transported them back to the cruiser in orbit. Kit and T'ra then talked with the Devaronian president, who had discovered Vien's treachery, and ordered the senator to be fed to the native quarra. Tholme and Dark Woman recovered on the ship as it left Devaron. Aurra Sing was taken to the prison on Oovo IV, where she made a deal with the warden Fenn Booda. Aayla took one of Aurra's captured lightsabers, a souvenir from the murder of the Jedi J'mikel, to his former apprentice Xiaan Amersu. After that, all the Jedi returned to the front. Aurra escaped prison a few months later.

Battle of Muunilinst


The Battle of Muunilinst occurred four months after the Battle of Geonosis, and was first shown in the first episode of the cartoon microseries Star Wars: Clone Wars. The battle was arranged when Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda and Chancellor Palpatine were in a meeting. Anakin and Obi-Wan were enlisted by Palpatine to lead an assault on Muunilinst, home of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. The Intergalactic Banking Clan was a heavy monetary and battle droid contributor to the Separatists.

The Republic fleet, led by Commander Anakin Skywalker and General Obi-Wan Kenobi, encountered resistance as it entered the orbit of the planet Muunilinst. The Separatist fleet was large and well-prepared for the Republic assault, and droid fighters scrambled to intercept the fleet led by Anakin Skywalker. However, in little time, the clone warriors, and especially Skywalker proved their martial superiority over the droid forces as Acclamator cruisers dealt devastating broadsides to Confederate battleships, and V-19 fighters found their marks. This provided sufficient cover to land the army.

The Republic's attack gunships took small losses from Hailfire droid rockets on their approach to the Banking clan city and managed to land on the planet, where they encountered a Droid Army of the Separatists. ARC troopers were deployed on a special mission within the city, but their ship was shot down behind enemy lines. The ARC troopers, who had been cut off from their original drop zone, made their way to an enemy command center. Along the way, they faced off against the Droid Army in a tricky urban battle zone, taking at least one casualty to droid sniper fire. Eventually they got to their objective: the Separatist control tower in the city centre. They destroyed the cannon at the foot of the building and then took position at the top of the tower.

The IBC leader, San Hill, panicked as the Republic Army advanced. The firepower of the Grand Army was greater and it outranged the Separatist forces. But Count Dooku had sent his bounty hunter, Durge, to Muunilinst as reinforcement. This vicious bounty hunter led an army of IG lancer droids toward the heart of the Republic's forces. The Republic Army faced a challenge greater than ever imagined against this tenacious villain and his forces.

Suddenly, Durge's army was turning the tide in favor of the Droid Army on Muunilinst. Durge's contingent inflicted heavy losses, especially to the AT-TE and SPHA-T Walkers. Fortunately for the Grand Army, General Kenobi's leadership rallied the Republic lines and checked Durge's advanced with Lancer Swoop Bike cavalry of his own. Both contingents destroyed each other until only Kenobi and Durge were left. Kenobi himself was challenged to single-combat by Durge himself. From this, after a gruelling match, Kenobi emerged the victor.

Kenobi and the ARC troopers raided the Intergalactic Banking Clan's Command Center, destroying a number of battle droids and taking San Hill into custody. Despite all odds, Durge returned, now fully unveiled in his bulbous Gen'Dai flesh, wounding and killing a large number of clone troopers. However, Kenobi and the ARC troopers managed to overwhelm the bounty hunter and, for a second time he was defeated. The Droid Control system was shut down, and the majority of the Separatist Army completely immobiilized.

Anakin Skywalker was leading the clone army in a fierce space battle above Muunilinst when a mysterious ship arrived, taking out an entire squadron of Republic fighters, and engaged him. When the pilot, mysterious Force-sensitive protege of Dooku, Asajj Ventress, jumped into hyperspace, the impetuous young Jedi followed, disobeying Obi-Wan's orders.

The Republic won the battle, San Hill was captured, and Anakin tracked Asajj Ventress down to the fourth moon of Yavin. There, Ventress disposed all of the clone troopers and destroyed Anakin's ship. Anakin and Ventress engaged in a lightsaber duel through the jungles and on top of the Massassi temple. In the end, Ventress was defeated, but not killed in combat.

Battle of Ohma-D'un


The Battle of Ohma-D'un was chronicled in the comic, Star Wars Republic: The New Face of War. It took place roughly ten weeks after the Battle of Geonosis. When the planet Naboo lost contact with a Gungan colony on one of Naboo's moons, Ohma-D'un, the Republic sent a squad of four Jedi to investigate. This team consisted of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Master Glaive, and Zule Xiss. To stay unnoticed, the team flew to the moon in a single gunship. They quickly found what had become of the Gungan colony. Every single Gungan had died of a mysterious virus. The Jedi team was soon infected by the virus, but luckily its effects took longer to work on non Gungans.

The Jedi soon encountered B-2 Battle Droids and the bounty hunter Durge, attacked them. The Clone troopers were all killed by Durge except for the single ARC trooper on the mission. During the Jedi's duel with Durge, he mentioned Gungan prisoners, and Obi-Wan sent Anakin and the ARC trooper to free them.

After that, Glaive was caught off guard, and was decapitated by the Separatist commander, Asajj Ventress. She then dueled with Obi-Wan. Meanwhile, Anakin and the ARC trooper successfully freed the Gungan prisoners, and destroyed the capsules of the virus that they were being loaded onto ships destined for Naboo. They then went back to Obi-wan, and helped him defeat Ventress. However, the evil duo managed to escape, though Naboo was safe.

Battle of Nadiem


The Battle of Nadiem was a minor battle depicted in the story Hide in Plain Sight from the Clone Wars Adventures comic book series.

After the Separatists invaded Nadiem, Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee tried to evacuate a local village, which was in the path of a small droid army led by General Grievous. Far from the village, Offee and a small squad of clone troopers were stuck directly in the path of the approaching droid army, having given up their shuttle to transport more evacuees. The Jedi Padawan formed a desperate plan as the droids drew nearer. After a brief battle, Offee and her men lie motionless on the ground. Thinking them dead, the droids continued towards the village, allowing the squad to surprise them from behind once the battle began. As the tide had turned, the Jedi managed to herd the remaining droids back beneath the cliffs. A squad of ARC Troopers launched an assault that destroyed the surrounding hillsides, collapsing them on the fleeing droids. It is evident that Grievous managed to escape.

Jedi Master Saesee Tiin was also present at this battle, fighting the Separatists in the air.

Battle of Nelvaan


The Battle of Nelvaan, as shown in Clone Wars animated series, occurred when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker went to Nelvaan, where Count Dooku supposedly fled to after the Battle of Tythe. Upon landing, all of the Clone Troopers where all killed by a giant, native beast. Anakin took out his lightsaber and slew the giant by stabbing him in the head. The beast, in truth, was supposed to be slain by a native Nelvaanian boy as a test of manhood. Angered, the Nelvaanian natives brought Obi-Wan and Anakin to their village to be put on trial.

According to prophecy, the strangers would solve their dilemma. The shaman believed Anakin to be the person with the power of the "Ghost Hand", power to ruthlessly crush the tribe's opposition. The shaman explained to them that an eternal winter had fallen upon them, and all of the warriors who were sent to find the source of the winter never returned. Shaman Orvos, however, did not divulge the fullness of the legend: that the Ghost Hand power would overcome the wielder, bring darkness into the world, and crush those he held dear to him. However, Orvos sent Anakin on the trial; the tribe needed his power.

Skin marked (tattooed) by painful bruise-leeches, Anakin followed the words of the prophecy, which stated that "You must follow the wind, for it is the Mother's cry. Travel her tears, they are frozen. Enter the Mother's awake her inner flame." This led Anakin into a cave filled with steam vents, indicating geothermal power. Inside the cave, he fell into a trance of the Force. In the vision was a drawing portraying village of Nelvaanians, and the drawing moves along with its people. While two villager girls were harvesting a plant, one was eaten by a spiky, black design apparently intended to represent evil. The second girl fled to a warrior, who destroyed most of the design. However, when the warrior celebrated, what was left bit off his hand. When he looked, however, he had a replacement hand, of the same design as the evil which gave it to him. With it, he fought off many monsters by crushing the life out of them. However, with each killing the hand grew larger and more malevolent. It eventually grew into the same thing it had spawned from, transforming the warrior and devouring everything close to him, last of all the warrior's apparent love. The vision ended with Anakin's wife, Padmé screaming his name ("Ani!") with an ominous (and familiar) image. After snapping out of the vision, Anakin found a Techno Union facility in the cave, plus a Battle droid, revealing Separatist presence.

The facility's purpose was to mutate the Nelvaanian warriors into horrific and powerful creatures, augment them with cybernetic weaponry, and brainwash the resulting living weapons into serving the Separatists. The facility was powered by a machine which sapped the geothermal energy of the planet, causing the prolonged winter. Anakin witnessed the mutation of the final warrior, and revealed his presence by destroying the battle droids near the tank.

After Anakin was discovered, the Nelvaanian mutants were forced into attack by the Techno Union, but the currently mutating warrior broke free of the tank and conveyed to Anakin (through grunts and gestures; Anakin couldn't understand Nelvaanian before and the mutation made it harder to understand) that ripping off the electronic belts would restore the warriors' abilities of independent thought. After freeing the warriors from Separatist control, the warriors attacked the battle droids and scientists in the facility. The recently mutated warrior pointed out a shard of some crystal inside an energy field to Anakin, informing him through gestures that it needed to be destroyed in order to stop the Techno Union's operations. Anakin's lightsaber couldn't penetrate the field, so he was forced to reach into it, at great pain, and Force pull the crystal, crushing it with his mechanical hand. This destroyed the machine, but also his artificial hand.

After reaching the surface, Anakin spotted the fleeing workers. He crushed their blaster pistols and flung them to the warriors. As one took what he hoped was furtive aim at the Jedi's back, Anakin whirled about, and, for the first time, killed someone through the use of the Force alone-by choking the life out of his enemy from several meters away.

The warriors, in awe of Anakin's display of a power which so perfectly fit their legends, tore off their cybernetic gun-arms in a symbolic gesture. They then returned to the village as if a victorious army, with Anakin as their general. However, nobody recognized them except a small child, who prompted the whole village to welcome home their warriors. After returning to their flagship, a message from Mace Windu came in: Grievous had kidnapped the Supreme Chancellor, and their services were urgently needed.

Battle of New Holstice


The Battle of New Holstice is a minor battle depicted in Star Wars Republic 65: Show of Force, Part 1. Mandalorians, led by Spar, engaged the Republic forces, led by Commander Bly and Jedi Aayla Secura.

Several characters, including Aayla, were depicted as naked during the battle.

Battle of Boz Pity


The Battle of Boz Pity was one of the Outer Rim Sieges at the end of the Clone Wars. The Separatists had blockaded the planet, although it was broken with the star destroyer Intervention flown by Odd Ball and Anakin Skywalker.

Denn Wessex commanded the star destroyer Redoubt during the battle, an action that made him a hero and convinced Palpatine to make him a moff shortly afterwards. Following the battle, Boz Pity was made into a staging area for Grand Army units fighting in the Outer Rim Sieges.

It is in this battle that General Adi Gallia meets her doom at the hands of General Grievous. General Quinlan Vos moved his legion here after the Siege of Saleucami, but then moved again to Kashyyyk. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi found a nearly dead Asajj Ventress in a bacta tank. Master Kenobi did not give into his dark feelings and did not kill Ventress. Ventress later escaped and disappeared.

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