User:Horst-schlaemma/List of seaside resorts and spas in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

The German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania) offers several spas, seaside resorts and resort towns.

They were originally initiated for health and recreation purposes of the upper class, and are more popular tourist destinations than ever.

The specific terms for these places in German are Kurort (spa town), Seebad (seaside resort) and Erholungsort (resort town), which are state-accredited titles. Currently, there are 65 places in MV that carry one of these prefixes.[1]

Seaside resorts at the Baltic Sea


de:Liste der Seebäder, Kur- und Erholungsorte in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania are famous for their traditional seaside resorts, mainly established in the 19th century. In German they are called Seebad ("Sea Spa") or Seeheilbad, sometimes with the prefix Ostsee- indicating their location on the Baltic coastline. The coast of Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania has an overall length of 2000 km and is nicknamed German Riviera.[2]

Heiligendamm in Mecklenburg is the oldest seaside spa of the European continent, established in 1793. The first Pomeranian resort was established in 1816 in Putbus on Rugia Island. Both were founded by local dukes, they successfully attracted the aristocracy of Europe to the German coast for their summer retreat. With the first railroad connections of the seaside resorts and major metropolitan areas by the end of the 19th century, a major boom in tourism began, attracting more and more middle-class people to the Baltic coast.

The most prestigious Baltic resorts can be found along the eastern German coast, including the islands of Rugia and Usedom. They often feature a unique architectural style called Resort architecture – with detailed fretwork, floral ornaments, wooden gables, columns, oriels, balconies, verandas and noble colours, especially white and pastel shades.

Name District Type since Population
31. December 2022[3]
stays (2012)[4]
Sights/Features Image
Ahlbeck on Usedom
Heringsdorf munic.
Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseeheilbad since 8425
Heringsdorf munic.
Heringsdorf munic.
Ahlbeck pier (landmark of Usedom Island); Baltic water park (Ostseetherme)  
on the Darß
Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseeheilbad since 680 176.065 famous art colony  
Baabe on Rügen Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 914 314.624 Mönchgut Coastal Fishing Museum, Vantage point Baaber Bollwerk  
Bansin on Usedom
Gemeinde Heringsdorf
Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseeheilbad since 8425
Gemeinde Heringsdorf
Gemeinde Heringsdorf
"Pearl necklace" of noble spa mansions at the Baltic Sea promenade  
Binz Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 5545 382.053 Kurhaus Binz, Seebad Prora from the Nazi era, Natural Heritage Center Rügen (Naturerbe-Zentrum Rügen), Casino at Hotel Loev  
Boltenhagen Nordwestmecklenburg Seebad since 2633 149.623 Marina/yacht harbour "Weiße Wiek", Spa garden (Kurgarten)  
Breege with Juliusruh
on Rügen
Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 575 76.251 Historical captain's houses in Breege, Harbour, Park Juliusruh  
in Rostock
Rostock (city) Ostseebad 1996 1281 Steilküste an der Stoltera mit begleitendem Ostseeküstenradweg über Warnemünde, reetgedeckter Dreisinceenhof  
Dierhagen Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseeheilbad since 1561 77.745  
Göhren on Rügen Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 1458 89.621  
Graal-Müritz Rostock (district) Ostseeheilbad since 4183 119.606  
Stadt Bad Doberan
Rostock (district) Ostseeheilbad since 12954
Stadt Bad Doberan
27.863 Ältestes Seebad auf dem Kontinent (gegr. 1793), erste Beispiele der Bäderarchitektur (Villen an der „Perlenkette“, Grand Hotel Heiligendamm)  
on Usedom
Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseeheilbad since 8425 495.776
Gemeinde Heringsdorf insg.
Deutschlands längste Seebrücke (508m) mit vielen Läden und Restaurants, Bädervillen (Villa Oechsler, Staudt, Oppenheim, Bleichröder, Achterkerke, Irmgard und weitere), Strandkorb manufactory  
Hiddensee, Island Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 1010 25.711 Landmark Dornbusch Lighthouse, famous art colony (Blaue Scheune)  
Hohe Düne in Rostock Rostock (city) Ostseebad 1996 620 Yacht harbour and premium hotel residences Hohe Düne  
on Usedom
Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 3218 48.305  
Koserow on Usedom Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 1730 49.109  
Kühlungsborn Rostock (district) Ostseeheilbad since 8037 328.661  
Lauterbach in Putbus
on Rügen
Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 4531
Stadt Putbus
Stadt Putbus
Loddin on Usedom Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 960 41.937  
bei Greifswald
Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 2176 10.801  
in Rostock
Rostock (city) Ostseebad 1996 563  
near Rostock
Rostock (district) Ostseebad since 2188 14.335 „Haunted Woods“ at the steep coast  
Poel, Island Nordwestmecklenburg Ostseebad since 2528 30.549 Wahrzeichen Leuchtturm Timmendorf, Kirche von Kirchdorf, Kirchdorfer Schwedenfest im Sommer  
on the Darss
Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 1492 61.070 File:Prerow - Darß.jpg
Rerik Rostock (district) Ostseebad since 2192 77.941 Schmiedeberg am Strand mit Ausblick  
Sassnitz on Rügen Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 9199 73.880 „Tor zum Nationalpark Jasmund“ mit den Rügener Kreidefelsen  
Sellin on Rügen Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since 2710 130.037 Sellin Pier, a landmark of Rugia Island  
Thiessow on Rügen Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseebad since Invalid metadata-key13073091 11.573 Südperd mit Steilküste  
Trassenheide on Usedom Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 943 55.346 Europe's largest butterfly farm  
Ückeritz on Usedom Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 1006 55.725  
Ueckermünde Vorpommern-Greifswald Seebad since 8598 erhaltener Altstadtkern mit Stadthafen, Stadtstrand am Stettiner Haff  
in Rostock
Rostock (city) Ostseebad 1996 6670 313.317 Leuchtturm und Teepott als Wahrzeichen  
Wustrow on Fischland Vorpommern-Rügen Ostseeheilbad since 1071 51.511  
Zempin on Usedom Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseebad since 961 23.930  
Zingst Vorpommern-Rügen Seeheilbad since 3173 135.043  
Zinnowitz on Usedom Vorpommern-Greifswald Ostseeheilbad since 4194 157.809 Tauchgondel auf der Seebrücke, Lift-Café an der Promenade  


  1. ^ Spa Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (German, Bäderverband MV - as of August 3, 2014)
  2. ^ "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Zahlen" (in German). Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Retrieved 2014-01-24.
  3. ^ Population data MV December 2012
  4. ^ Statistical report Tourism in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern