CEThis user's alignment is Chaotic Evil: the "Destroyer."

Hilotsunami is a level 39 Runscape user! If he/she (youll never know whether He/she is a He or a she.) is ever on You can talk to Him/her and he/she will help you out! Hilotsunami wears All addy and a power ammy. When he/she is on he/she is usually in world 40 or 63. He/she sells reasonably priced items.

Hilotsunamis accounts:

Hilotsunami: level 39 mage archer and warrior

Hilowave: level 5 archer

Other nice people on runescape:

NewPlayer 222




Heres the runescape website if you dont have an account www.runescape.com

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User Boxes I've made:

RA This User is RadioActive
Surfs This User surfs
ARL This User has a advanced reading level
RPG This User enjoys RPGs

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