User:High-storian/sandbox/History of Medicine Project/Egyptian/Papyri/Edwin Smith/Text

Edwin Smith Papyrus
Paragraph Col:Lines Location Type Prognosis Glosses Comments
Case 1 1:1-12 Head (Flesh) Wound Handle 3
Case 2 1:12-18 Head Gaping Wound Handle 3
Case 3 1:18-26
Head Skull Pierced Handle 4
Case 4 2:2-11 Head Skull Split (Fracture) Fight 3
Case 5 2:11-17 Head (Depressed) Skull Fracture Nothing 1
Case 6 2:17-25
Head Exposed Brain

(Rupture of membranes)

Nothing 2
Case 7 3:2-21
Head (Fractured) Sutures Fight 10 3 E/T
Case 8 4:5-18 Head (Simple) Skull Fracture Nothing 5 2 E/D
Case 9 4:19-21
Forehead Skull Fracture (omitted) 1
Case 10 5:5-9 Eyebrow Gaping Wound Handle 1
Case 11 5:10-15 Nose Cartilage Fracture Handle 2
Case 12 5:16-22
Nose Bone Fracture Handle 3
Case 13 6:3-7 Nose One-Sided Fracture (No Treat.)
Case 14 6:7-14 Nose Flesh Wound Handle 1
Case 15 6:14-17 Cheek (Flesh) Wound Handle
Case 16 6:17-21 Cheek (Gaping Wound) Handle
Case 17 7:1-7 Cheek Fracture Nothing
Case 18 7:7-14 Temple Flesh Wound Handle 2
Case 19 7:14-20 Temple (Gaping Wound) Handle 1
Case 20 7:20-24
Temple (Puncture) Handle
Case 21 8:6-9 Temple (Gaping Wound) Fight
Case 22 8:9-17 Temple Fracture (No Treat.) 3
Case 23 8:18-24 Ear Flesh Wound Handle
Case 24 8:24?
Jawbone Fracture (No Treat.)
Case 25 9:2-6 Jawbone Dislocated Handle
Case 26 9:6-13 Lip (Flesh) Wound Handle 1
Case 27 9:13-18 Chin Gaping Wound Handle
Case 28 9:18-22
Throat Gaping Wound Fight (2 E/T)
Case 29 10:3-8 Neck Gaping Wound

(Pierced Vertebra)

Case 30 10:8-12 Neck Sprained Vertebra Handle 1
Case 31 10:12-22 Neck Dislocated Vertebra (No Treat.) 3
Case 32 11:1-9 Neck (Compacted) Vertebra


Handle 1
Case 33 11:9-17 Neck Contusion Vertebra


(No Treat.) 2
Case 34 11:17-23
Collarbone Clavicle Dislocation Handle 1 (2 E/D)
Case 35 12:3-8 Collarbone Clavicle Fracture Handle
Case 36 12:8-14 Upper Arm (Simple) Humerus Fracture Handle
Case 37 12:14-21 Upper Arm Compound Fracture Fight (2 E/D)
Case 38 12:21-22
Upper Arm Fracture

(split Humerus)

Case 39 13:3-12 Chest Superficial Abcess


Handle 1
Case 40 13:12-17 Chest Puncture Breastbone Handle 1
Case 41 13:18-22
General Infected Wound


Handle 5
Case 42 14:16-22 Chest Sprained Rib


Handle 1
Case 43 14:22-23
Chest Dislocated Rib


Handle 3
Case 44 15:6-9 Chest Fractured Rib (No Treat.)
Case 45 15:9-19 General Ball-like Tumors


Fight 1
Case 46 15:20-21
Chest Raised Blister

(Abcess w/ Head)

Handle 3
Case 47 16:16-20
General Gaping Wound Handle 5 E/T
Case 48 17:15-19 Back Pulled Vertebra


Spell 1 18:1-10 barring air of a disease year
(wind of the pest of the year)
Spell 2 18:11-16 barring air of bitterness of night-demons
(plague-bearing wind, demons of disease)
Spell 3 18:17-19 another protection for a disease year
(pest of the year)
Spell 4 18:19
against fever
Spell 5 19:2-14 against hysteria


Spell 6 19:14-18 against a swallowed fly

(cleansing fly)

Spell 7 19:18-20
against disease

(cleansing from pest)

Spell 8 20:8-12 against disease


Prescr. 1 20:13-18
Menstrual blockage

(female troubles)

Prescr. 2 21:3-6 renewing the skin

(transforming the skin)

Prescr. 3 21:6-8 rejuvenating the face

(beautifying the face)

Prescr. 4 21:9-21
making an old man into a youth

(transforming ...)

Prescr. 5 22:11-14 Hemorrhoids

(an ailment in the anus and vicinity)