hirophilus the ancient greek physician i am not, but i hope it will make me sound clever on wikipedia.

About me


I am a medical student from the UK. I enjoy getting involved in anything, mabye why i joined wikipedia. I used wikipedia a few times and thought i must give something back. My friends think i am the reason why they don't trust wikipedia, but i have a passion for the truth and have to be accurate. I think i can think like a layman and so edit articles to be more understandable. I thoguht i could make my own science website (science.isyummy.com) but failing in that i thought i mite aswell join communism, wikipedia.



I failed to woo the female population (had to get my single status in somehow) so i tried to get into a few hobbies to fill the day:

  • Chess
  • Music (piano/guitar)
  • Juggling

Books i like to read:

  • Richard Dawkins
  • Richard Feynman
  • other popular science books