— Autoconfirmed editor on Wikipedia  —
BornFebruary 20
New Zealand
CountryNew Zealand
Current locationAuckland
LanguagesEnglish (primary) & Maori (secondary)
Time zoneNZST
Personality typeINTP
Family and friends
PetsOne Rottweiler
Hobbies, favourites and beliefs
HobbiesComputers, Video Games, Science, Astronomy
ShowsThe Office (American TV series), The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon and Sherlock (TV series)
BooksMe: Elton John Official Autobiography
Contact info
Account statistics
Joined19 June 2018

Hi! My name is Kane, and I am an autoconfirmed user on Wikipedia.

My goal is simple: to add any helpful contributions towards Wikipedia, whether that is by being a grammar police, et cetera.

Pages I have created edit

Now I don't mean to brag, but I have made a few (literally only 3) pages within my timespan of being an "editor" on Wikipedia.

L.A.B. (band)

Kolohe Kai

Todd Spiewak (oof nevermind, they deleted it o_o)

Now I know that doesn't seem to great of an "achievement", but I mean I feel proud to be the one to have made these pages, and I also feel proud for myself to know that these pages might help someone in need of knowledge in the future.