User:Hamandpeaches/Leonora Blanche Alleyne

Leonora Blanche Alleyne

Leonora Blanche Alleyne was the writer/co-writer and translator of Lang's Color/Rainbow Fairy Books. The authorship and translation of these books is usually mistakenly attributed solely to Andrew Lang, Leonora's husband, who although was a prolific writer, has tended to be best recognized for the works he did not write[1]. Though Lang himself had chose the stories, nearly all of the translation and rewriting had been done by others, Mrs Lang latterly undertaking most of the work[2].

Lang did not hide the fact that his wife had done the bulk of the work, but for whatever reason, her name was not included on the cover, and her work is yet to be recognised. Andrew Lang stated in a preface to The Lilac Fairy Book that "The fairy books have been almost wholly the work of Mrs. Lang, who has translated and adapted them from the French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, and other languages.

My part has been that of Adam, according to Mark Twain, in the Garden of Eden. Eve worked, Adam superintended."[3]

Published between 1889 and 1910, the series of fairy books are


  1. ^ Children's Books and Their Creators, Ed. Silvey, Anita.
  2. ^ Zipes, Jack, The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales
  3. ^ Lang, Andrew. The Lilac Fairy Book

