Ernest Powell Jr. with daughter Allyson(front)and nieces around 1962.
Early years.

Ernest Powell Jr.(born December 25,1935) is a lifelong volunteer and community

    organizer, who never hesitated to answer a call for help, or an opportunity to
    help improve the quality of life for family and countless others.
    Powell was so involved with community work that it was suggested to a young 
    man who was just himself getting started with politics and community involvement,
    that he go and see, Mr. Powell.Powell had no way of knowing that he was advising 
    and in a sense mentoring a future President of the United States of America,
    a very young Barack Obama.
    Barack Obama met with Powell several times in his home and grassroot organization meetings,
    and also accompanied the future President to Springfield, Illinois to meet with Senator
    Emil Jones as lobbyists.
    Once given the opportunity to chauffer Mrs. Rosa Parks while she visited Chicago
    for a speaking engagement, he gladly accepted the honor to drive the Mother of
    the Civil rights movement to her appointed destinations.

Early life

    Powell, who was born in Helena, Arkansas, but grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, 
    moved with his parents, Earnest,and Minnie to Chicago in 1953.Shortly after moving
    to Chicago,he met and fell in love with Shirley Owens.Eventually he volunteered
    for the United States Marine Corps,where he attended Naval technical school,and
    was given the job of aircraft mechanic. Upon discharge from the Marines, Ernest
    returned home to Chicago and married Shirley.
    Shortly after Powell began what would become a lifelong commitment in community 
    involvement,politics, and volunteering.He began by getting block clubs,committees,
    and other neighboorhood organizations up and running, where there had been no
    interest in doing so before.Powell organized the first neighborhood Carnival and
    parade while working with the Greater Lawndale Community organization on Chicago's
    west side.After moving to the south side of Chicago,he continued with his efforts
    to help out,and volunteered to manage little league baseball teams,got involved
    with Block clubs,and worked fervently to have a very much needed library built in
    the Washington Heights area of Chicago.In 1975 The Carter G. Woodson Regional Library 
    was opened on Chicago's far south side to serve his and many surrounding communities.

Political career

    Having a natural way with people and exhibiting a strong sense of community 
    and knack for helping others, a commanding figure towering at 6'6" height,
    he was usually remembered by most and often called upon to join yet another
    committee or campaign.He simultaneously worked full-time at United States Steel
    as a Line foreman and was elected as the first African American Chairman of 
    the board for U.S.Steel's Southworks Employees Credit Union and wrote a                
    column for a local newspaper. It was around this time that he campaigned 
    enthuiastically for Gus Savage who ran successfully for a seat in the
    Illinois House of Representatives. His acquaintance with Representative Savage 
    spanned several years and probably influenced Powell's campaigning 
    skills and political prowess and involvement.
    Powell continued his interest and involvement with local politics by campaigning
    and working as Precinct co-ordinator for Harold Washington's successful campaign
    for Mayor of Chicago,who became the first African American Mayor of that city.
    Shortly thereafter Powell had the priviledge of working closely with a very young
    and determined man with an odd name,who would eventually become the 44th President
    of the United States and the first African American person to hold that office.
    When [[Barack Obama[[ first came to Chicago, he was told to call upon Ernest Powell,
    because Powell knew dozens of people who could point him in the right direction for
    whatever Obama needed as far as community organizing. By this time Barack Obama had
    become the Director of the Developing Communities Project,and called upon the help
    of Powell and Loretta Augustine-Herron often to try and resolve a toxic dumping issue
    that involved the far south side of Chicago and affected thousands of people.


    Currently living in a suburb of Chicago, Powell still plays an active role in serving
    community,and acts as President for a suburban branch of the Veterans Commission outside    
    of Chicago. He and his wife Shirley have been married for 52 years and recently received    
    congratulatory greetings from President and Mrs. Obama on their successful marriage.




  1. ^ Rosa Parks bio taken from the American Academy of Achievement website


  1. ^ City of Country Club Hills webpage

<ref> Gus Savage bio from The History Makers website<?ref>

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