Top Ten Most Silly Reasons to Abolish Fair Use On Wikipedia edit

These are unordered, since everyone has a different sense of humor. Some may even lack it.

  1. Britannica doesn't have any fair use images!
    Well, Britannica doesn't have any free images either...
  2. Those people in <insert country name here> don't have fair use. That means that people can't just print out a Wikipedia article and hang it on the wall, or they will end up in prison in no time!
    So let's remove all fair use images so they will not be teased into committing such a heinous crime. Also, they'll find an imageless version more pleasant to their eyes, since they are unaccustomed to such a curiosity as a fair use image. Those poor little chaps, them.
  3. Fair use images inhibit the creation of free images!
    Of course they do! If we didn't have a logo of some football team, some fan would of course draw a free version of this logo. If we didn't have a promo photo of this band, we'd have a much better free photo. Doesn't matter that the band broke up 10 years ago. Did I tell you already that these anti fair use people are silly? Well, they are.
  4. German Wikipedia doesn't have any fair use images and they're doing quite well!
    Is it the one which doesn't even have a decent picture of Mickey Mouse? LOL.
  5. What if someone is doing a commercial fork based in <insert country name>? It is pretty hard for him to filter all these fair use images out!
    Yeah, this lazy ass is much more important for Wikipedia goals than the millions of its readers. Any decent programmer is able to write such a filter in ten minutes.
  6. Freedom is more important than quality!
    That's what the commies said during collectivisation. The result was both poor freedom and poor quality. Some people never learn.
  7. Fair use isn't well defined from the point of US law. For example promo photos of bands could well be illegal to possess!
    Ah, that's why the owners of and are in jail. Oh wait.
  8. But there is still possibility that the copyright holder of fair use image will SUE Wikipedia! *shudders*
    There is still possibility that Rowling sues Wikipedia over Harry Potter plot summaries, or Daniel Brandt sues Wikipedia because of his own article. Let's remove those too!
  9. Freedom is the central goal of Wikipedia!
    Wait, I thought it was giving knowledge to the kids in Africa? Or building an encyclopedia that is better than Britannica. I guess these goals change rather fast (or maybe they depend on the person you're asking).
  10. Every time you upload a fair use image, God kills a kitten!
    That's got to be one of the silliest argument against fair use images. Fortunately, I've never seen it formulated by anyone.