These pages demonstrate the template Template:Ipa-en-test (actually a system of templates) which can convert Wikipedia's diaphonemic IPA-en format into RP and GenAm.

  • Each example demonstrates the use of Template:Ipa-en-test to convert a sample keyword from IPA-en format. It is currently configured to convert to RP only if the user preference for "Internationalisation/language" is set to en-GB, otherwise it leaves it in the diaphonemic version. To see the "other" version (either diaphonemic or RP), you must change and save your user preference.
  • Because each template is slow to load, I have spread the examples over multiple pages.
  • If this proof of concept is successful, I can look at improving the performance.
  • It may even be possible to extend this to generate other formats, such as pronunciation respelling.

Known limitations (can easily be overcome with a little more work)

  • Cannot accept input of longer than 11 characters (this limit can easily be increased to any arbitrary value).
  • Cannot accept input including ɚ or ɝ (and probably some other unusual characters).
  • There is currently one known bug that results in r following schwa and immediately before a vowel being sometimes wrongly omitted in RP

Examples (see linked pages for more)

  • kɪt (diaphonemic)
  • ˈmɪrər (diaphonemic)
  • drɛs (diaphonemic)
  • ˈmɛri (diaphonemic)
  • træp (diaphonemic)
  • ˈhærəld (diaphonemic)