Private Sandbox for GerogeDS



The World Championships were established in 1896. Originally, they contained only the men's event. There was no rule regarding women competing, so in 1902, Madge Syers-Cave competed and won the silver. Many, including World Champion Ulrich Salchow, believed she should have won the gold.Talk

The 1903 ISU Congress considered gender issues but passed no new rules. Madge Syers-Cave entered the 1904 competition but withdrew due to injury. The 1905 Congress established a second class ladies competition. Winners were to be known as ISU, not World Champions. Mens and Ladies events were normally held separately. In 1906 Davos was the site of the first ladies competition. [1]

  1. ^ Figure Skating: A History, 2006, James R. Hines, page 88. ISBN 0-252-07286-3