User:Gabr-el/How can I be sure God exists?

What is God?



Who God Is.

If you do not believe God because you cannot see, taste, hear or touch God, then you have missed the whole point. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is not such a God. He does not need your faith and understanding, he does not have to prove himself to anyone. What more proof does one need than the fact that so much living proof exists? It is illogical for a group of 12 men to die for a lie, but more logical that they gave away their lives in the belief that they would receive something much greater. It is illogical to believe that our ancestors taught us God and didn't really mean it, and their ancestors and so on. The truth of Christianity had to have started from somewhere, the Jews. And Judaism must have started out from somewhere too.

All life is generated by life, and God is the source of all life. Even Scientists who try to recreate early cell like life have made a fundamental error - they have included their own self lives into the starting reaction!!!!

Furthermore, God never forces a belief on to you. You have the freedom to seek the knowledge and the truth.

Pray to God

  • Is God someone that we pray to? Yes. "Ask, and you shall receive"
  • Does he listen to my prayers? Yes. Just because you appear to be the only one physically present, does not mean he cannot listen to you.
  • Does he ever respond to my prayers? Sometimes. Most of the time, you will not hear or see a response with your physical senses. This is because our God wants us to seek treasure in his Kingdom, treasure which can never run out.
  • If I pray for something, will I get it? Maybe. Remember, God is our Master, our Lord. We serve him and his Kingdom. Therefore, God does not respond to demands, threats or deals. God is our merciful and loving master. A merciful and loving Master will respond to pleas, begging and cries. He responds to asking, not demanding. No body demands something from a King, or from a person of authority. They ask.
  • If I pray to God and plead with him, not demand, will he always give me that thing I pray for? No, never will you always receive what you want. A just Master has plans for his servants. Sometimes the servants do not understand the plan. It is in God's plan that you do/do not have object X if you pray. You must be thankful for what you have and the wisdom to understand why you do not have what you lack.
  • What is the treasure in Heaven? We seek good things in our lives because they give us pleasure. There is one good thing that does not run out of pleasure, one good thing that is infinite and beyond all other good things. This is the treasure, unification with God in his Kingdom.

How does one seek the treasure?

  • What Master in the world would place himself in the company of losers, criminals and evil men who insult? God will accept even these if they are truly sorry. The unrighteous who ask for the Master's forgiveness will be forgiven. Because God is infinitely good, there is no sin too heavy for God to forgive.
  • Sins and good works are like bills and money. When we commit a sin, a wrong against God, we incur a heavy bill. This bill must be paid by money (good works, penance).
  • The sins of defying God at the beginning of time is a heavy bill. One that has manifested itself throughout humanity. Because Jesus Christ is infinitely good, he can take up all the sins of the world and this is what allows us to be forgiven. Thus, imagine a man who pays every debt that will ever be incurred. Jesus Christ paid every debt of sin incurred by humanity. Anyone who pleads for their payment to be lifted (pleads for forgiveness) will have them lifted by Christ's sacrifice.
  • Why did not God just forgive the sins anyway? Because, sins must be held accountable. This is the law of nature; by commiting evil, one removes themselves from God's goodness. The law of contradiction cannot allow men and women to sin and to be in God's goodness. The sin must be resolved by payment (penance, good works) and can be done by Jesus Christ's sacrificial payment of all debts.
  • However, when one's debts are removed, one is still at zero. Therefore, one must begin to do good to build up the treasures (do penance for God) to be lifted beyond zero. It is when one lifts himself/herself beyond yond zero and acquires treasures (good works, penance) then one truly builds treasure in heaven.
  • Be warned, when one sins, one incurs a debt. This wipes away their treasure in heaven, as it does on Earth with bills and money.

What is Love?

  • Is Love sex? No. You do not need to be in love for that. There are evils in this world involving such corruption. But love is not evil.
  • Is Love desire? No. A Mother has no desires for herself. She will lay down her life for her children. Conversely a human who desires another human can do evil things for this. But Love is not evil.
  • Is Love marriage? No; need you look further than Hollywood?
  • Is Love giving? Not all of it; you can give and not feel anything for that person.

Love is willing service.

  • When a friend loves another friend, they will do what they can to please that friend.
  • When a Mother loves her child, she will do what she can to feed the child.
  • When a spouse loves their significant other, two become one. How can two become one? When each person becomes less than 1/2 - then they may fit into 1. They must lower themselves to each other, humble themselves to each other - serve each other.