User:GabeMines/sandbox/Kevin Nguyen

Kevin Nguyen (born March 28, 1994) is an Asian-American radio personality. Nguyen is known as “Intern Kevin” on KUDL-FM morning radio show “The Wake Up Call with Gavin, Katie, & Rayne”

Early Life and education:

Nguyen was born on March 28, 1994 in Eastside San Jose but soon moved to Sacramento. Nguyen started his education at a very young age. At age 3, he attended a preschool/daycare located near American River College, where his mother was getting her degree in computer science. At age 5, he attend Madison Elementary School, which is located near the radio station that he current works at now. At age 11, he attend Toby Johnson Middle School, where he learned how to become a leader. At age 14, he attended Franklin High School where he learned that he had potential to be someone famous. He currently is studying Communications at the Sacramento State University.


Nguyen has been a long time listener of “The End” until August 4, 2012 where he met them at the Color Run in Sacramento and became their intern. As an intern, Nguyen had to deal with bullying and The Wake Up Call molding them into a beautiful angel baby. Nguyen interned for the longest time until he got hired on as part-time. During his time as a part-time on-air personality, he honed on his skills and sought out to be a better radio personality. After years of learning and crafting his skills while going to school and having several other jobs. Nguyen was hired as a full time employee in 2018, where he was named On-air Personality/Digital Content/Social Media Manger.


Nguyen is considered to be a fashion icon. He spends a whole lot of money that he doesn’t have to keep up with his different styles. His favorite brands are Supreme, Undefeated, Diamond, Adidas, Nike, Etc. he has given a lot of fashion advice to several of his close friends and has given advice to many celebrities.


Throughout the years, Nguyen has donated to many charities and non-profits. Every time he is asked to donate he does and Nguyen helps the homeless by giving them food occasionally and give them blankets during the Christmas season. In 2017, Nguyen got a speeding ticket and it costed more than what he had. He pleaded and got a sentence to volunteer at a local non-profit. Nguyen chose Project R.I.D.E and did his hours there.

Personal Life:

In middle school, Nguyen began his dating life and had his first relationship with the girl of his dreams but ended abruptly. Most of his personal life is unknown because nothing is proven and when asked questions, Nguyen would avoid the questions and change the subject.


Nguyen has been considered as the KING of Finesse. Noone knows how he acquired this skill but it has sure helped him all through his life. Only a few possess this skill and he doesn’t like to teach others how to finesse because it would be harder for him to finesse.

Notable Quotes:

“Eeeooowwww”, “I’m Pissed”, “Finesse”, “Swerve, Betch!”, “Don’t Talk To Me!”Talk To Me!”

