User:FlyingChrysalis/sandbox/For NI Executive

Northern Ireland Executive

Historical composition of the Northern Ireland Executive
Assembly • Executive Date Event Mandatory coalition
appointments: Executive Office
Departments Cross-community
appointment: Justice
D'Hondt method allocation
FM & j.m. dFM & j.m.
UUP (U) SDLP (N) DUP (U) SF (N) Alli. (O) Vacant
1st A.1st E. 1998 Jul 1 formation UUP SDLP 10 - 3 3 2 2 0 0
2002 Oct 14 dissolution 10 10
3rd A.2nd E. 2007 May 8 formation DUP Sinn Fein 10 - 2 1 4 3 0 0
2010 Apr 12 devolution " " 11 Alliance 2 1 4 3 0 0
2011 May 11 dissolution 11 10
4th A.3rd E. 2011 May 16 formation DUP Sinn Fein 11 Alliance 1 1 4 3 1 0
2015 Sep 1 resignation " " 11 " R 1 4 3 1 1
2015 Oct 20 reallocation " " 11 " R 1 5 3 1 0
2016 May 16 dissolution 11 11
5th A.4th E. 2016 May 26 formation DUP Sinn Fein 8 Independent (U) R R 4 3 0 0
2017 Jan 16 dissolution 8 8
TBD • 5th E. TBD formation 8 8
FM, dFM = First and deputy First Minister; j.m. = junior minister; R = resigned or refused posts entitled to under the D'Hondt method