User:Flury abbey/sandbox/Franck A. Flury

Franck A. Flury - Franck Anthony Flury was born on January 30, 1992 in the village of Delémont, Switzerland. He is a lawyer in the Swiss Canton of Neuchâtel. He is best known for his two year "stage" at the Montini & Montini Law Firm on Rue des Moulins where he was seen as one of the best "stagiaire" in the firm between 2016-2018. Franck achieved many things during his time as stagiaire, one including co-writing ...... with his employer.

Achievements - During his time as stagaire, Franck prepared himself for the Swiss bar exam on March 13-15, 2018. The exam was three days long, nine hours each day. Lawyers in Switzerland can take this test three times and each test has a 70% chance of not passing. Franck passed the "examen du barreau" the very first time he took it and received the news on March 22, 2018. Thereafter he took the oral exam on March 29, 2018. Franck A. Flury was announced "avocat" (lawyer) on .....

Education - During Franck's educations carrier he completed his bachelor in law at the University in Neucahtel, Switzerland. (Faculté de droit - Université de Neuchâtel). Thereafter he completed his masters in Fribourg, Switzerland. (Faculté de droit - Université de Fribourg) Franck also spent four months in Berlin, Germany where he perfected his German and achieved the C2 level.

Family - As of March 2018, Franck A. Flury doesn't have any children. He is represented by his family in Rebeuvelier, Switzerland. His parents, Monique and Alain Flury, and his sister, Lisa Flury. Franck is also married to an American Journalist and English Teacher, Abbey Flury (Jones).

