
FirestarXL is the name I chose for my gaming endeavours. I could probably have thought of something better, but it's a bit late now.

The name was chosen from the Wipeout series of games. The first game contained Firestar as a hidden track, and the second in the series was named WipeoutXL (in some locations). Combine the two and you have my nick, which is as far as I know, unique. Certainly I have no trouble getting that as a username everywhere I've tried. Most people assume it is a reference to the The Prodigy track Firestarter; this is not in fact the case but I happen to enjoy a lot of their work including the aforementioned track so the comparison or being called by that name doesn't bother me in the least.

I like to play and create content for games. Currently my focus is Battlefield 2, and I am a long term player of Unreal Tournament 2004. I was born and live in the UK.

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