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Discord is an app where users hangout about different topics. It can also be used by external companies to have a greater conection with their audience. The app is based on servers, which are organized in channels and roles, which will be talked about later in this article.

In this article, it will be covered the basic, intermediate and advanced knowledge that is necessary for creating, managing and moderating your Discord Community.

How to Start


Ok, so I decided to create your own Discord Server, but where to should I start?

  1. Choose a good niche. A Discord server's niche shouldn't be very low demanded, but when choosing a niche, the person should also think whether they like it or not. And, preferably, high competitivity niches arne't the best option, because they are very difficult to grow!
  2. Create the server. You can now create your server. Start by defining your channels. They should be organized having in mind the eye of the user: he will look for the channels from up to down. So, put the most important channels (like the ones with information about the server, like server rules) at the top, and start descending to the interaction channels, where the users will be able to send messages, talk to eachother and whathever you define the channel is for.

Call your friends. A great way of having some first (engaged) members, is to call your friends to talk in it.

Permissions and Roles


Roles are a greate way to organize your community.