Arms of Richard de Straton 1292

About me


Who am I? Really?


Hi there. My name is Family locator (Talk). My passion, outside of my family, is genealogy and heraldry. I am new to wikipedia being on site for only a few months.

My surname is Straiton and my origin Scottish. I have a view, which I have yet to disprove, that all Straiton's, Straton's, Stratton's and some similar variants from Scottish sources are all related. The arms on this page are those from a description of the seal of the earliest recorded to bear arms. I am looking at the links from his ancestors to those of us that live today.

For those with a heraldic bent and a knowledge of early Scottish history may immediately notice a similarity in the arms to those of the Baliol family of Flanders that migrated to England under William II of England. I am currently looking at this connection.

If you have a link and can help or want more on where I am at with it all, please leave a note or message.

To Do List


The following are things that I am currently working on.

Battle of Harlaw. This battle was one of a campaign of Donald, Lord of the Isles in his attempt to rebel against the Kingdom of Scotland and create a Kingdom based on the Island territories of his ancestors. There are a series of articles on wikipedia that are in need of review. My focus is on finding who were the real players at these events and to attempt to cut through the myth of the campaign.

Eustace de Balliol and the early Balliol families. Nearly forgotten by history, I am searching for the truth behind these families and the links they left behind. Families, once in favour of William I and II and including Henry III, completely destroyed by Edward I. The destruction so complete that families changed names and arms to disassociate from them.