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Linguistics and Biology


I was born in Boulder, Colorado but I have lived in San Francisco for 6 years and consider myself a fully assimilated resident. There's only so much difference between the two places. My first language was Italian but I began speaking English before I was 2, and I spoke 4 languages by the time I was 5 years old (Italian, English, Spanish, and Catalan. In 1997 I took 3rd place at the National Geography Bee hosted by the famous Alex Trebek! I am a conservation student at the University of California - Berkeley. I have traveled to all continents except Antarctica and Australia. I speak 5 languages and can talk in conversation in 13 more. I have been a Wikipedia contributor for seven years. As always happens, whenever I've had a computer crash I lost my passwords. The world somehow manages to go on!

I am a green pantheist soldier who has a high degree of interest in zoological nomenclature, conservation, resource studies, land management, and linguistic studies (maintaining international relations is a key!). I am a suitable contributor for a wide range of biological fields. In no particular order: zoology, mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology, ichthyology, entomology, island biogeography, biopsychology, biochemistry, biological anthropology, organic chemistry, dendrology, ecology (population, community, behavioral), forestry, phylogeny, biotechnology, astrobiology, conservation biology, and a lot more. I am a history buff, particularly exploratory history and the settler history of lands all over the globe. Island history is my particular forté. I am knowledgeable of California ecosystems and ecoregions, with a heavy preference for northern California. I have studied the ecology of redwood forests for many years and have lived amongst them for more than half a decade.

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I had a stint in restaurant management and can contribute on anything related Italian cuisine. I have worked for Sega so I am a good authority on video game production. I am an avid freelance photographer and play competitive billiards, Texas Hold 'Em, and Scrabble. I like games that require brains and make me money. I am a member of the Rockstar Design Team of iPhone applications, which provides most of my income.

I'm also a major music enthusiast who enjoys a good deal of anything experimental. Pushing boundaries and establishing new ground is the essence of my being. My biggest idol is Carl Sagan. My favorite musical group is Led Zeppelin. My favorite binomial is Vini vidivici, lorikeet pride!

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