Hi there! I'm Evilfruit - I've done several collaborations before, both in the English and Catalan wikipedias, but I have always lost my password (shame on me), so this is my first serious attempt at being an active user of this fantastic project. Bye for now and behave!

Languages I Speak / Llengües que parlo
caAquest usuari té el català com a llengua materna.
esEste usuario tiene el español como lengua materna.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
ru-1Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
pt-3Este usuário/utilizador pode contribuir com um nível avançado de português.
About me
This user contributes using Firefox.
This user is a Citizen of the World (Terra, ).
This user is a Libran.
agnThis user is interested in agnosticism.
I am proud to not eat meat
This user identifies as an Anarchist.
This user identifies as queer.
^_^This user watches anime.

Some random facts about me

  • I regard myself as a world citizen who doesn't really enjoy being labelled.
  • I'm interested in languages and I'm always trying to improve my skills in all those I'm studying.
  • I love films, literature, music and manga.
  • I am a pacifist over any other kind of ideology or belief I may have :P