I am a retired female Australian who spends my time mostly doing family history research. My previous career as a policy research officer has stood me in good stead for researching my ancestors who are mostly Irish but with a few English and Scots in there too. I am a news junkie (particularly politics) and watch hours of TV news shows every day.

As my username implies, I am an identical twin. I’ve been using this username for many years and I and my twin have long joked about films featuring twins often having one being the good one and the other is evil. I like to think I’m the evil one!

I love watching classic films and television shows, particularly British films and television of the forties, fifties and sixties. I only recently started contributing to Wikipedia because I noticed many inaccuracies and lack of information in articles on these classic shows and wanted to fix them.

I've started by correcting and adding to the articles on the 1952 film So Little Time, the 1955 television series The Adventures of the Scarlet Pimpernel and the 1968-1976 BBC TV series The Expert, all of which starred my favourite actor Marius Goring. I've also been adding and amending the article on Marius Goring and still have more to add to it!