Yuval David is an actor of theater, film, television, and radio. He has played leading and supporting roles on television including the shows Primetime: What Would You Do, 20/20, The Micahel J Fox Show, Unforgettable, Days of Our Lives, Kamen Rider, D.C. Streets, and The Corner. His leading roles in film include in With Her, The Awakening of Spring, You, Trenches, The Waiting Room, 3rd of July, End of the Carnival, Things Change, Red, Porn N' Chicken, The Fifth Estate, and other films. His theater acting has taken him to stages on Broadway, Off-Broadway, and Regional Theaters. On stage, his leading roles include Romeo and Juliet (Romeo), Of Mice and Men (Curley), Bunbury (Bunbury), Loves Labour's Lost (Dumain), The Game (Committee), Fever (Thaddeus), In The Swing (Sean Joyce), The Balcony (Revolutionary Leader), The Art of Being Oscar, Dreams in the Golden Country (Yitzy), The Renegado (Boatswain),Elizabeth Rex (Harry), Orpheus and Eurydice (Orpheus), Woman in Mind (Rick), Camino Real (Lobo), The Wild Party (Oscar), Tales From Ovid (Storyteller), The Tempest (Ferdinand), The Good Person of Sezuan (Wanga), and others.




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Official Website
Internet Movie Database
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