User:Etcourtney/John Karl Madcharo

John Karl Madcharo

John Karl Madcharo was born in Schenectady, NY to Karl and Pauline Madcharo of Minsk, Belorussia. He had four brothers, Gus, Victor, Nik, and Leonard "Lenny" Madcharo. In 1959 he married Louise Taber Martin in Columbia, S.C. They had two children, Mary Pauline and John Karl Jr, and two grandchildren, Elaine Taber and John Derrick Courtney.

A formal US Army Illustrator, John was an Art Director and Creative Director at various advertising agencies in New York, Columbia, and Greenville for over 50 years and also operated Adgraphics and Madcharo Advetising and Design, but his real passion was painting. He was SC Wildlife Artist of the Year in 1994, fetered in sandlapper magazine, won numerous awards and while having his own gallery in Columbia, also had his work featured in numerous galleries up and down the East coast. 

"I paint my emotions at a time and place. The feelings, smells and sounds of what I see. If in my paintings, you sense this, then we have communicated. And that my friend, is special."

The achievement of life-like realism in the paintings by John Madcharo emerges through his skillful use of light and color while maintaining a painterly devotion to detail.  ...

