Passion Killing in Namibia


Namibia is a country situated in the southern africa best known for its top attractions including Etosha national Park, the Skeleton Coast, the sand dunes at Sossusvlei, and the Fish River Canyon in.[1] Once known to be one of the peaceful country in the world. Namibia has made headlines of how woman have been become an object of passion killing. The nation is outraged, shocked and incensed at the increasing number of passion killings. Passion killing happens when a, man and woman seems to be in a relationship, woman might feel that the relationship is not working anymore and tries to end it, the man on the other hand doesn't want the relationship to end and might think that the woman is in a relationship with another man, and often doesn't want to except that it's over and proceeds to kill the woman and then he kills himself. [2] Usually the story are similar to the previous mentioned situation but also tend to differ.

Causes and Effects of Passion Killing


According to the clinical psychologist and neuro-therapist Aina Nelago Imbili, people resort to violence because,[3]

  1. Primarily they lack the knowledge of where to get help,
  2. Lack understanding,
  3. Are in denial,
  4. Ignorant
  5. and have poor judgment

Other factors that may also lead to the causes of passion killing are:[1]

  • social changes that have not attracted appropriate interventions
  • poor management of the transformation that is brought about by globalisation
  • general loss of our inherited culture as a society.

This year alone a number of women were killed as a result of passion killing and nobody seems to have a solution. According to Dr Manfred Janik ,"No Namibian citizen can say that she/he is not affected by passion killings. It can happen to any of us. Passion killings are a cross-cultural phenomenon and also cut across socio-economic and class barriers,”[4] Some of the effects that passion killing have are:

  1. Women become scared of man and as a result may not trust them again.
  2. The respect that we had for man may be gone.
  3. All man, regardless of that he is invovled in passion killing or not may be catogorized by women to be a heartless person.



Recommendations that might bring a solution to passion killing.[5]

  • This goes out to all the man,if you love any woman,love her well enough to let her go when your spark for her is no longer reciprocated.
  • Be man enough to lay down all your terms and conditions that your relationship will be based on before she becomes either your friend, your friend with a benefit, girlfriend or wife for that matter.
  • Lay down their terms and conditions their relationship will be based on, it helps to reduce misunderstanding later in the relationship.
  • Women should stop taking short cuts in life by using men for all sorts of support, just to later cheat on them behind their backs.

A possible recommendation is that the government and the private sector need to perhaps conduct in-depth research to determine what exactly is causing all these random passion killings. With the core aim of devising an appropriate response strategy before the problem gets out of hand.

