I'm fascinated by energy, both in the sense that the word is used in science and as it is applied in everyday life. The Wikipedia definition describes various forms of energy, but no-one seems to know what energy per se actually is. As I understand it, energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can change form, and matter is just one of these forms. This tells me that the energy I'm made of has always existed, and is the reason for my Wikipedia username. My own level of physical and mental energy varies from time to time, depending on the state of my health, what I eat and drink, the weather, what's happening around me and a host of other factors. Energy also drives civilisation and the global economy, which is why I believe climate change and peak oil are the biggest issues facing humanity. By the way, if anyone can tell me exactly what energy is, or explain that climate change or peak oil aren't worth worrying about, I'd be most grateful!