I am planning to add more information about the American Chestnut Foundation and where more hybrid chestnut trees have been planted. After that I will discuss what these hybrids require habitat wise. Finally, I will add in more information about the fungus affecting other hardwood species.

Chestnut Blight

The American Chestnut Foundation was started to begin reintroducing the American Chestnut back into our hardwood forests. They are currently researching and testing new hybrids between the Chinese Chestnut and the American Chestnut to create a tree that has the American Chestnut traits but has the Chinese Chestnut resistance genes. Using the backcross method, they are able to get tree to 15/16 American Chestnut. These hybrids have been planted in many locations, including the Flight 93 National Memorial. Here they have planted hundreds of hybrids and send researchers out to watch their progress. The American Chestnut requires areas with decent drainage and open sunlight. These conditions can be hard to met when trying to reintroduce them into a developed forest.

Other tree species can become hosts to the pathogen. They become infected and form the cankers as well, but they are not killed by the pathogen. This allows the pathogen to stay alive in the oaks and infect chestnuts as they reach maturity.

Improvement for the current article would include more information on the American Foundation and other locations where the hybrids are planted.


"THE AMERICAN CHESTNUT FOUNDATION ®." The American Chestnut Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

This provides good information on the backcrossing method and how scientists are handling the new hybrids.

Garden, Missouri Botanical. "Chestnut Blight." Chestnut Blight. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

This provides good information on the pathogen and how it stays alive in the oaks.

"History of the American Chestnut Foundation." The American Chestnut Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2016.

This gives good information on the history of the foundation, the history of the tree, and the habitat of the chestnut tree.