Hi, My comments are in italics. I pose one big comment for the first paragraph and a few smaller, but important, ones for the second. Dr. Haenn

Dctor Haenn this is Elena´s 3rd draft.

This paragraph seems overly general and a likely candidate for deletion as a result. What is the information gap you want to fill?

SANDBOX/DRFT3 Brain gain reffers to beneficial effects caused by human capital flight. Studies by Beine et al. (2001, 2008) produced evidence suggesting that, if wages are higher abroad, the possibility of future migration might induce investment in education in the migrants’ source countries. Countries with low human capital and low emigration rates are likely to experience a net gain. But there appear to be many more losers than winners (88 losers and 20 winners out of 108 developing countries). Country´s level of development, composition of migration or popultaion size are factors which affect whether a country will experiment brain gain or brain drain. Offen countries with relatively low levels of human capital and low-skilled emigration rates are likely to experience “brain gain” from the high-skill emigration.

You have a new paragraph here

Remittances and circular migration are two examples of brain gain effects: Fisrts, remittances by high-skilled migrants to family or relatives can replenish the brain drain effect. 14 household surveys of 11 country destination imigrants showed that relationship between education and the amount remitted is strong and positive. Can you be more specific about this data? How many households were surveyed altogether? What was the relationship between education and the amount remitted? Nevertheless the evidence on the migrants to remit its still uclear. ´What does this previous sentence mean? Also circular migration work as a positive feedback for the emigrant´s country. Temporary emigration increases the returns to education and has the same effects on human capital formation as permanent. The return of migrants can result on several advantages for ther home country. For instance, additional knowledge and financial capital acquired, as well as benefeits for technology adoption, entrepreneurship, and productivity. return decisions depend on the economic and political situation in the home country. Do you have data for this last sentence? What sort of economic and political situation influence a migrant's return?