User:Ealdahdah/sandbox/Thabit Ibn al-Dahdah

Thabit ibn al-Dahdah

Thabit ibn al-Dahdah was a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad and a member of the Sahabah, also known as Abu al-Dahdah. A notable from the Arab tribe of Baliy and an ally of the Ansar, Thabit is thought to have been killed while making a last stand at the Battle of Uhud in 625 AD, where the forces of the Muslim community of Medina suffered a defeat at the hands of the cavalry of the Meccan forces led by Khalid ibn al-Walid. Another account relayed by VIIIth century AD Muslim historian al-Waqidi has Thabit ibn al-Dahdah surviving wounds sustained at the Battled of Uhud, and dying just after the return of the Prophet Muhammad from the Hudaibiah Treaty in 628 AD, where peace with the Meccans was concluded. Two Hadith in Sahih Muslim (Hadith 2110 and Hadith 2111 in Book 004) as well as a historical reference in al-Tabarani mention that the Prophet Muhammad attended his funeral and prayed over him, before saying: "How many among hanging bunches in Paradise are meant for ibn al-Dahdah?".[6] In Damascus, the al-Dahdah cemetery to the north of the old walled city, one of the city's largest, is named after Thabit and late medieval chroniclers reported that it contained his tomb.

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani [d. 1449 CE], Ahmad ibn Ali (1995). al-Isaba fi tamyiz al-sahaba (PDF). Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah. p. 503. Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj [d. 875 CE], Abul-Husayn. "Sahih Muslim". Sunnah. Retrieved 14 June 2017. al-Husni, Muhammad Adib Aal Taj al-Din (1927–1929). Kitab Muntakhabat al-Tawarikh li-Dimashq. 3 vols. Damascus: al-Haditha Press. p. 390. and among them is Abu al-Dahdah al-Sahabi, and the cemetery is known after him Ibn al-Hurani, Uthman ibn Ahmad (1909). Kitab Ziyarat al-Sham al-Musamma al-Isharat ila Amakin al-Ziyarat. Damascus: al-Maktabah al-Hashimiyah.

