
Two Beings


My Existence

Every Thinking being and non thinking being are from Almighty God, the word carries everything about Nature, I mean the the Holy Bible

Therefore I am of God, other gods don't have the genesis of themselves, no gods every described himself as the creator of the universe,

I Am One, But Two, Maybe Three

I am gas


I am solid


and may be liquid


As a gas, I communicate with all gases, as a solid, I communicate with all solids, as liquid, I communicate with all liquids.

In this reason, I am spirit, body, blood at the same time, able to communicate to all of this kind. My spirit gives me information from natural world my blood gives me information from natural world, my blood gives me information from my own blood (Close Families).

I have come to doubt other thinkers, giving my reasons that why some being that I can't see lives inside of me, invisibly, enabling me to read books, in outer silent, Making me to read without making noise, that same being gives me information from the Supernatural World without still making noise in this natural world, But the activities I engage myself in the Natural world is being reasoned through my inside being.

My Thought and Ideas Therefore from both My Natural brains andSupernatural Brains

My thoughts comes from two beings, my Dreams also comes from this two being


I am one, but two, maybe three

I have read many, not for reading sake, but to get knowledge, but as well as to get knowledge, I doubt the knowledge, creating my own in other not to sin with reasoning, If you're a skepticist and you doubt, Faith, Salvation And Hope In Lord Jesus Christ, Then you should know that beliefs have sent you to hell, So be one the Righteous Skeptical Reasoning Doubting The Evil Genius Instead, Than God, For the fact that people possess evil spirits that gives them wrong informations, people also possess good spirits, that give them the opposite.