User:Dylanmack03/sandbox/Dale Lewis

Dale Lewis

Dale Lewis is an English artist that specializes in what he says is in between abstract and photorealist, he is renoun for his quirky artwork in london. he has had many exhibitions in different countries in many galleries notably:

Anna Zorina Gallery, New York .

Choi and Lager Gallery, Germany.

Choi and Lager Gallery, Seoul/Korea.

And of course many more, to see more, look at his website, there will be a link in the references.

Early Life


Dale Lewis was born in Harlow in 1980 to his parents, Sarah Lewis and Andy Lewis in Princess Alexandra hospital in Harlow. Dale apparently was always drawing little pictures when hen he was at his grandmothers house, these drawings were all saved and were later used for a collarge that he used to help him find work. He went to Brays grove secondary school where he studied art and got an...

