Human resources should now be called Consumable Resources.

In the past ten years, and especially since the 2008 economic downturn, people have been pushed to do the work of one-AND-a-half too two people. Pay has stagnated, and promotions are few. Corporations are flush with cash, CEO's are getting huge bonuses, and the stock market is at an all time high. I think that it is a good thing that corporations and CEO's are doing well. What I don't like is how people are being treated; used and abused.

There are more laws protecting animals than there are for employees. It is estimated that thirty percent of the work force is BULLIED at some point. We are no longer considered humans, but ASSETS to be CONSUMED.

If you have been bullied you will relate to them in some way. Some managers are game players and not true leaders. Instead of being annoyed or harboring malice witch only harms you, (resentment is a poison we take to harm others!), pity them for the management Fool's they be!