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My "NYTimes" comments - Search - Up To 2024
CLICK Here for *My 100+ Publications*.
* USA: 14th Amendment – Insurrectionists *Disqualified* From Holding Political Office? - 2 (nyt-20231219).[1]
* Science: First Time Ever Regulating *Artificial Intelligence* – The European Union? (nyt-20231208).[2]
* USA: *Support Democracy* - Rather Than Making America the *Opposite* of Great? - 1 (nyt-20231121).[3]
* Science: *James Webb Space Telescope* Astronomically Successful Viewing Universe. (nyt-20231106).[4]
* Music: *Puck* Soars with Giddy Delight in *THE DREAM* by *The American Ballet Theatre* (nyt-20231030).[5]
* Science: Modern Concerns of *A.I.* and *Nuclear Apocalypse* Explained by *Prometheus*? (nyt-20231021).[6]
* Health: *Eight Myths* About *Intimacy* That Educators Would Like To Go Away? (nyt-20231015) (1+2).[7]
* Medical: Some Store Shelf Medicines "Ineffective" - and - *No Better* Than a Placebo? (nyt-20231010).[8]
* Science: *Same-Sex* Relationsips Among Many *Social Animals* Found To Reduce Conflict? (nyt-20231003).[9]
* Science: *Hidden* Female Physicist, *Lise Meitner*, Helped Discover *Nuclear Fission*? (nyt-20231002).[10]
* Science: *NASA* Traveled to an *Asteroid*, Collected a *Sample* and Returned to Earth (nyt-20230924).[11]
* Science: *Animals* Found To Talk With Each Other - But What Is Really Being Said? (nyt-20230920).[12](#130)
* USA: *Academic Freedom* of Philosophy Professor Challenged at SUNY at Fredonia? (nyt-20230913).[13]
* USA: *Shakespeare* In Some Schools Being *Censored* By *GOP Politicians*? - 2 (nyt-20230910).[14]
* USA: *Censor Parts of the Internet* From Kids in the USA - Worth Considering? (nyt-20230903).[15]
* USA: 14th Amendment – Insurrectionists *Disqualified* From Holding Political Office? - 1 (nyt-20230826).[16]
* Science: *ET Search* Leads Harvard Astronomer To Ocean Depths? (nyt-20230824) (1+2+3).[17]
* Books: *Ursula K. Le Guin* - A Multiple Award-Winning Author and A Life Well-Lived? (nyt-20230817).[18]
* USA: *Shakespeare* In Some Schools Being *Censored* By *GOP Politicians*? -1 (nyt-20230813).[19]
* Science: *New Physics* May Arise From *Odd* Subatomic Particle Behavior? (nyt-20230810).[20](#120)
* Science: ET "Gadget With Artificial Intelligence" Found By *Harvard Astronomer*? (nyt-20230724).[21]
* Science: *Wikipedia* and *A.I.* - A "Deepening Entangled Interaction"? (nyt-20230718) (1+2).[22]
* Science: *James Webb Space Telescope* Astronomically Successful After 1st Year (nyt-20230713).[23]
* Science: Discovery of *Gravitational Wave Background* (GWB) in Universe? (nyt-20230628).[24]
* Science: *Tiny Extinct Humans* Performed Burials, Created Cave Art, Used Fire? (nyt-20230605).[25]
* Music: Classical Music Can Be *Very, Very* Sexy? – A Classical Crescendo? (nyt-20230520).[26]
* Science: Future Challenges (*Artificial Intelligence* and *Climate Change*) Are NOW Here? (nyt-20230503).[27]
* Science: Evidence Reveals That *Rosalind Franklin* Was "Equal Contributor" of DNA Discovery (nyt-20230425).[28]
* Science: Global Image of *Planet Mars* by the Martian Hope Orbiter – *Very High-Definition* (nyt-20230415).[29]
* Science: *Artificial Intelligence* Chat Programs May Be Developing Too Quickly? (nyt-20230321).[30](#110)
* Music: The "Bob Fosse's Dancin'" Musical Immerses Audiences In World-Class Dancing? (nyt-20230319).[31]
* USA: Banking System Concerns due to the *Silicon Valley Bank Collapse*? (nyt-20230313).[32]
* USA: Talking Freely About *Erotic Matters* Can Be Liberating And Healthier For Some? (nyt-20230310).[33]
* Music: JazzAge Musical "Some Like It Hot" – Happy Tunes and Happy Dancing (nyt-20230209).[34]
* Science: *Artificial Intelligence* Chat Programs Jus' Wanna Be More "Human"? (nyt-20230203).[35]
* Music: Incredible Pianist *Yuja Wang* Performs Amazing Rachmaninoff Concert? (nyt-20230131).[36]
* Science: *Future Physics*: Latest About The "Theory Of Everything" (and more). (nyt-20230125).[37]
* Science: Awesome *Green Comet* (aka "C/2022 E3 (ZTF)") Passing By Planet Earth (nyt-20230120).[38]
* USA: Another GOP Insurrection? – Making America the *Opposite* of Great? (nyt-20230106).[39]
* Science: *James Webb Space Telescope* – Overview of the Latest Images and Studies (nyt-20221227).[40]
* Science: *Delta-8 THC* (mild marijuana?) Concerns - Better Safe Than Sorry? (nyt-20221227) (1+2+3).[41](#100)
* Science: *Breakthrough* – *Fusion Power* Successful – More Energy OUT Than In (nyt-20221213).[42]
* Science: *Two-Million-Year-Old* Genetic *DNA* Material Found In Greenland? (nyt-20221207).[43]
* Science: *Artemis Program* – Preparing *Humans* For The *Moon* – Then *Mars*? (nyt-20221114).[44]
* Science: *Asteroid* Impact Test Successful – Way To Protect Future Earth? (nyt-20220927) (1+2).[45]
* Science: *Detecting ET* Now Easier With The *James Webb Space Telescope*? (nyt-20220920c).[46]
* Science: *Detecting ET* Now Easier With The *James Webb Space Telescope*? (nyt-20220919b).[47]
* Science: *Detecting ET* Now Easier With The *James Webb Space Telescope*? (nyt-20220915a).[48](#90)
* Science: *Best* Official First Images By The *James Webb Space Telescope* (nyt-20220712c).[49]
* Science: *First Five* Official Images By The *James Webb Space Telescope* (nyt-20220712b).[50]
* Science: *First Ever* Official Image By The *James Webb Space Telescope* (nyt-20220712a).[51]
* Science: *First Ever* Image of the *Black Hole* In the *Milky Way Galaxy* (nyt-20220512).[52]
* USA: *Overturning* Women's *Right-To-Choose* Is Radical? (nyt-20220504) (1+2).[53]
* Science: Confirmation of First Known *Interstellar Object*? (nyt-20220415) (1+2).[54]
* Science: Discovery of WHL0137-LS ("Earendel") Farthest Star Observed (nyt-20220330).[55]
* World: An *Entirely* Unjustified and Unnecessary Invasion of Ukraine? (nyt-20220224) (1+2).[56](#80)
* Science: "Perseverance" Rover - A *Very* Successful First Year on Mars (nyt-20220215).[57]
* USA: "Thought Police", "DoubleSpeak", "Book Burning" and the "Big Lie"? (nyt-20220125).[58]
* Science: New *JWST Space Telescope* Launched Into Outer Space. (nyt-20211215).[59]
* USA: US Supreme Court Considers Women's *Right-To-Choose*? (nyt-20211202).[60]
* USA: Overturning The 2020 Election *Failed* - Hopefully, No Future Tries? (nyt-20211002).[61]
* Music: First American Black Composer at Major Opera Company? (nyt-20210923).[62]
* Science: Intelligent Life Probably Exists On Distant Planets? (wapo-20210619).[63]
* USA: Paying *Living Wages* May Help The Current Labor Shortage? (nyt-20210601).[64]
* USA: About Four-Hundred *Ultra-Rich People* Rule The Country? (nyt-20210331).[65](#70)
* Science: New "Perseverance" Rover Searches For Life On Planet Mars? (nyt-20210302).[66]
* USA: *COVID-19* Pandemic Response Could Have Been Better? - 3 (nyt-20200911).[67]
* USA: *COVID-19* Pandemic Response Could Have Been Better? - 2 (nyt-20200707).[68]
*** Medical: EATING *MEAT* MAY BE HARMFUL TO YOUR HEALTH? (nyt-20200521).[69]
* USA: *COVID-19* Pandemic Response Could Have Been Better? - 1 (nyt-20200405).[70]
* USA: Thinking In Some Small Counties Could Be Better? (nyt-20191005).[71]
* Medical: Eating Meat May Be Harmful To Health? - 2 (nyt-20190930).[72]
* Science: Preserving The Natural Living World Is Worthy? (nyt-20190506).[73]
* USA: Governing The Country Could Be Better? (nyt-20190423).[74]
* Science: First-Ever Image of a Black Hole (M87 Galaxy) (nyt-20190410) (1+2).[75](#60)
* USA: Health Care Thinking Could Be Better? (nyt-20190326).[76]
* Science: The Biological Evolution Of Beauty? (nyt-20190109).[77]
* Computer: Internet May Become Less Global? (nyt-20181016) (1+2+3).[78]
* Music: Jazz Greats in One Immortal 1958 Image (nyt-20180925).[79]
* USA: Tax Cut – No "Trickle Down" Again – Wages Decreased? (nyt-20180812) (1+2).[80]
* Science: Better Way To Avoid Devastating Asteroids Needed? (nyt-20180618).[81](#50)
* Film: "2001: A Space Odyssey" – Homage To Homer? (nyt-20180405) (1+2).[82]
* USA: Tax Cut – "Historic Heist" – Big Loss To Most Americans? (nyt-20171202).[83]
* Science: Voyager Missions Now Beyond Solar System? (nyt-20170905) (1+2).[84]
* USA: Health Care For All Is Better? (nyt-20170726).[85]
* Science: Should Earth Send A Greeting To E.T.? (nyt-20170628).[86]
* USA: Best Way To Secure Borders? (nyt-20170320).[87]
* Science: Seven Earth-sized Exoplanets Orbiting Star Found? (nyt-20170222).[88]
* Science: Universe Expansion Speed Unclear? (nyt-20170220) (1+2+3).[89](#40)
* Science: Extinct "Flores Man" Resembled Hobbits? (nyt-20160620).[90]
* Science: Lessons Learned from "Tickling Apes"? (nyt-20160410).[91]
* Film: Best Quality Adult Films? (nyt-20160320).[92]
* Medical: Eating Meat Causes Cancer? - 1 (nyt-20151026) (1+2+3+4).[93]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Oct. 26, 2015
Thank you for an *Excellent* article - seems more reason to think humans are not natural meat eaters - after all, humans can't eat raw meat like cats and dogs (real meat eaters) - humans need to cook such food first - a relatively recent development in human history - seems early humans, instead of chasing after rabbits or digging up carrots, may have been more opportunistic - and may have gone from one berry patch to another - much like many other primates - in any case - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
9 Recommend
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Oct. 26, 2015
Thank you *very much* for your reply - you may [be] right of course - however, according to the 2015 film documentary, "The Dawn of Humanity", regarding the newly discovered hominid fossils of "Homo naledi", non-meat particles were found apparently, *but no meat particles*, in the pulverized dental calculus of the fossil remains - also see Wikipedia => - in any regards - Thanks again for your reply - and - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Oct. 27, 2015
Thank you for your interest - yes - agreed - seems Amanda Henry (of the Max Planck Institute) comments in the "Dawn of Humanity" 2015 PBS film documentary (at about 46 min/114 min) about the results of her dental calculus studies re "Homo naledi" - apparently, *no meat food particles* were found - this material may be too new to be published at the moment - nonetheless, a related (better?) source may be the following => Henry, A., Brooks, A., & Piperno, D. (2010) Microfossils in calculus demonstrate consumption of plants and cooked foods in Neanderthal diets (Shanidar III, Iraq; Spy I and II, Belgium). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1016868108 - in any case - hope this helps in some way - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Oct. 27, 2015
CORRECTION: Seems that in the 2015 PBS film documentary "Dawn of Humanity" , primarily about the discovery and excavation of "Homo naledi" fossils, diet studies re dental calculus by Amanda Henry may not have been done on "Homo naledi" fossils after all, but on the fossils of another hominid, "Australopithecus sediba", instead. If interested, additional related information may be found in the script of the film documentary at the following =>
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend

* Computer: Less Internet Surveillance Is Better? (nyt-20150605).[94](#30)

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - June 5, 2015
Thank you for an excellent article - yes, improved privacy protections and related seem the better road I would think - and this may be realized - at least to some extent - and at least in theory - however - in practice, the world of the internet may continue to be anything but private - and less privacy may reappear in some other form - after all, Scott McNealy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, is well known for the following: [in the age of the internet] "You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it." - in any case - Thanks again for the article - and - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
Supporting link -

* Science: First Comet Landing (nyt-20141112) (1+2).[95]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Nov. 12, 2014
Thank you for an Excellent article - Yes - a spacecraft landing on an astronomical object, Comet 67P, going 84,000 miles an hour ( ), is quite an accomplishment - however - for perspective - seems that airplanes routinely land on an astronomical object, spaceship planet Earth, going much, much faster - nearly 2 million miles an hour according to astronomers => - in any case - Thanks again for the Excellent article - and - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend
C.Blacksmith commented November 13, 2014
C.Blacksmith - Spain - Nov. 13, 2014
Speed is not an absolute measure. Planet Earth has a relative speed of 0 for airplanes (referring to its original position, the runway). 84,000 miles an hour is the relative speed of Comet_67P refering to Rosetta's original position.
Three big diferences: - the acceleration process (which lasts 10 years) - the distance (rendezvousing with the comet required travelling a cumulative distance of over 6.4 billion kilometres.) - The automation (It will take the radio signals from the transmitter on Rosetta 28 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth, and the same to return to rosetta)
2 Recommend
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan commented November 14, 2014>
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Nov. 14,2014
Yes - I *Entirely* Agree - Thank You *Very Much* For Clarifying - Landing On The Comet Is A Truly Great Technical Accomplishment Of Course - Enjoy! :)

* USA: FDA Limits Testosterone Use (nyt-20140918).[96]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Sept. 18, 2014
FWIW - Thank you for an excellent article about testosterone and the possible adverse effects of testosterone replacement treatment (TRT) - besides the "New England Journal of Medicine" article (July 8, 2010) noted in the article ( at ), seems there may be other relevant studies reported in the responsible medical literature as well, including the "Journal of the American Medical Association" (November 6, 2013 - at ) and "PLoS One" (January 29, 2014 - at ) - if interested, Wikipedia may have even more information about testosterone and TRT at: - in any case - Enjoy! :) Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend

* Science: Future Synthetic Humans? (nyt-20140709).[97]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - July 9, 2014
Thank you for an excellent essay - for my part at the moment - robots may not ever think exactly the same as humans think - no more than humans can fly exactly the same as birds fly - or swim exactly the same as fish swim - something seems missing - and that may be understatment - in any case - Thanks again for an excellent essay - and - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
2 Recommend

* Computer: Major Computer Bug? (nyt-20140410).[98]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - April 10, 2014
Thank You for an Excellent Summary of the "Heartbleed bug" Problem.
FWIW - Wikipedia seems to have a *very good* overview currently of the "Heartbleed bug" problem at the following =>
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend

* USA: FDR Minimum Wage (nyt-20140307).[99]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - March 7, 2014
Thank You For Your Excellent "Notes" - FWIW - Wikipedia Has Several Relevant Articles => "Minimum Wage In The United States" => - As Well As - "FDR Quotations" => - In Any Case - Enjoy! :)
1 Recommend

*** Science: SPACE TRAVEL IS HARMFUL TO HEALTH?/wrd (wired-a/b/c[100]

Dr. Dennis Bogdan - Wired Magazine - February 11, 2014
Thank You For An Excellent Article - Seems There May Be A Lot of Documented Medical Risks Associated With Space Travel - Including Loss of Eyesight, Mental Abilities, Balance, Bone Density, Muscle Mass, Immune System Function as well as an Increased Risk of Cancer and the like.
If Interested, Wikipedia Has Several Relevant Articles - Including "Alzheimer's Disease," "Astronaut," "Effect of Spaceflight on the Human Body," "Health Threat From Cosmic Rays," "Human Spaceflight," "Manned Spaceflight," "Space Medicine," and "Weightlessness."
Humans In Space May Be Like a Fish Out of Water - With a Human Inside an Aquarium, In One Form or Another, Needed To Navigate The Waters, So-To-Speak.
One Message of The Film "SOLARIS" (1972,RU) May Be => "You Can Take Humans From The Earth, But Not The Earth From Humans.
No Place Like Home?"
In Any Case - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan

* Science: Viewing Earth From Mars (nyt-20140210).[101]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - February 10, 2014
Thanks for the post - if interested, Wikipedia has a relevant (and excellent imo) article (with pictures) about "extraterrestrial skies" on Mars (and other planets) at the following => - in any case - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend

*** Science: SPACE TRAVEL IS HARMFUL TO HEALTH?/nyt (nyt-20140127).[102]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Jan. 27, 2014
Thank You For An Excellent Article - Seems There May Be A Lot of Documented Medical Risks Associated With Space Travel - Including Loss of Eyesight, Mental Abilities, Balance, Bone Density, Muscle Mass, Immune System Function as well as an Increased Risk of Cancer and the like.
If Interested, Wikipedia Has Several Relevant Articles - Including "Alzheimer's Disease," "Astronaut," "Effect of Spaceflight on the Human Body," "Health Threat From Cosmic Rays," "Human Spaceflight," "Manned Spaceflight," "Space Medicine," and "Weightlessness."
One Message of The Film "SOLARIS" (1972,RU) May Be => "You Can Take Humans From The Earth, But Not The Earth From Humans." - Humans In Space May Be Like a Fish Out of Water - With a Human Inside an Aquarium, In One Form or Another, Needed To Navigate The Waters, So-To-Speak.
In Any Case - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend

* Science: Are We Alone In The Universe? (nyt-20131119).[103][update](#20)

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Nov. 19, 2013
Excellent Essay - Seems Our Earlier NYT Comment May Also Apply Here => - Wikipedia Has A Worthy Article As Well => - In Any Case - Enjoy! :)

* USA: The Gimme Party? (nyt-20131014).[104]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - October 14, 2013
Excellent Article - not clear about this but, according to Senator Bernie Sanders, a few who inherited a lot of money seem to be somehow behind the USA Shutdown at the moment? => and - in any case - hope things sort themselves out soon in an ok way of course.
6 Recommend

*** USA: MORE VALUABLE THAN MONEY? (nyt-20130426A-a/b/c).[105]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - April 26, 2013
Excellent Article - thoroughly enjoyed reading it --
FWIW - Seems *400 people* now own *HALF* the wealth in the country - more money now in fewer hands - eventually, *one person* may end up owning it all - at least in theory - a *monarchy* of sorts may result from unlimited inequality - and from starving the poor - maybe we could do better? - maybe there's more valuable things than money - like good health and happiness - for the greater good - and the greater number - these days however, to understand the world, one may need only to follow the money - glitter rules - or so it seems - in any case - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
Supporting links - and
3 Recommend

*** ME: WIKIPEDIA IS A LOT OF FUN TO EDIT (nyt-20130329A-a/b/c).[106]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - March 29, 2013
Thanks for the Great Article - Best to Sue of course - FWIW - I've been a Wikipedia volunteer editor (User:Drbogdan) since before registration records were kept (well before 2005?) - however, I've been most active in recent years - I'm not one of those "single guys in their early 20s" as noted in an earlier post - instead - I'm a happily married, well-educated professional person nearly 70 years old - nonetheless, *all* the editors I've experienced along the way have been excellent in every way - many maintain *very high standards* in their editing efforts - for me, learning has always been a lot of fun - and - "you can learn a lot by editing an encyclopedia" - Wikipedia represents an excellent place to obtain reliable knowledge and information - at least for starters - highly recommended - in any case - Thanks again - and - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
1 Recommend

*** Science: UNIVERSE *PULLS* LIFE-FORMS TO COMPLEXITY? (nyt-20130323A-a/b/c).[107]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - March 23, 2013
Thank You For An Excellent Article - Just Wondering - Is The Overall "Driving Force" In Life (to multiply and to be more complex with time) More Of a "Pull" Than A "Push" - After All, The Notion Of An "Expanding Universe" To "Pull" Things Along Seems To Be Real And Seems To Have A Factual Basis - Perhaps Space Expansion "Pulls" Much Like A Broken Vacuum Fills A Void? - The Notion Of A "Prime Mover," On The Other Hand, To "Push" Things Along Does Not Seem To Be Real And Does Not Seem To Have A Factual Basis - In Any Regards - Thanks Again For The Article - And - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
2 Recommend

*** Science: LIFE THRIVES THROUGHOUT UNIVERSE? (nyt-20121202A-a/b/c).[108]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - Nov. 28, 2012
Excellent Article - My Present Thinking (some supported in the responsible scientific literature) About Life-Forms:
01. Life, At It’s Most Basic Level, Is A Chemical That Can Reproduce Itself.
02. The Starting Materials Related To Reproducible Chemicals Seem To Be *Everywhere* In The Universe.
03. Some Of These Materials May Begin Reproducing And Settle Wherever Possible In The Universe.
04. On Planet Earth At Least, All Known Life-Forms Came From *One Single* Ancestor About 3.5 Billion Years Ago.
05. All Known Life-Forms Are The *Very Same* Reproducible Chemical, With Astronomical Variation.
06. The "Purpose Of Life" Is The Same For *All* Life-Forms: To Transfer Genetic Information Into The "Next Generation."
07. All Life-Forms May Have "Intelligence", A Possible Measure Of Cleverness In Successfully Adapting To A Host Environment, But To Varying Degrees (And In Varying Forms?).
08. There May Be Many Technically Clever Life-Forms In The Universe - Many Such Life-Forms May Be Present In The Universe At The Moment - Or - In Times Past - But Since Space Is So Widespread And Time Is So Wideranging - Such Technically Clever Life-Forms May Not Ever Know Of Each Other.
09. Overall - Life-Forms Are "Star Stuff" Emerging From The Midst Of Time And Space At The Very Beginning - And Then - A Return At The Very End? - Or - In The Case Of The "Immortal Jellyfish" - A Return To The Very Beginning?
- Dr. Dennis Bogdan

* Science: A Universe Out Of Chaos ("nothing" or "quantum foam"?) (dsc-20110803) - 4 comments.[109]

COMMENT # 09. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 3rd, 2011 at 10:33 am
Thanks For Your Comments – Seems Your Proposal Is That The Universe Did NOT Come From “Nothing” – But From “Something” (“Chaos” and/or “Fluctuations”) Instead – Is This Type Of “Somethingness” *Always* Present? – And Related Perhaps – Is True Absolute “Nothingness” *Always* NOT Present? – In Any Case – Thanks For Your Comments – And – Enjoy!
COMMENT # 53. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 6th, 2011 at 1:50 pm
Hawking: “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” Smith: “…explanation of the creation of a universe from literally nothing subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.” Smith: “This is what physicists mean by “nothing”. Nonexistent space-time, subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.” Yes, But Are These Wordings *Really* Describing “Absolute Nothingness” As Noted (or implied?) – Or Something *Less* (or more?) Than “Absolute Nothingness” – After All, Conditions Are Noted (“law of gravity,” “laws of quantum mechanics,” and the like) As, Perhaps, Pre-Existing(?) When Discussing “Absolute Nothingness” – Wouldn’t “Absolute Nothingness” Be Entirely Un-Conditional, And Without Such Pre-Existing (original/initial/apriori?) Conditions Also? – If Not, Aren’t Such Noted Conditions “Something”? – And Maybe, Require An Explanation Of Their Beginnings From True “Absolute Nothingness” As Well? In Any Case – Enjoy!
COMMENT # 57. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 7th, 2011 at 8:13 am
This is easy to solve. Nothing is unstable. Since its ‘nothing’ there is nothing to confine what can and will arise from it. Anything can come out of nothing. So this nothingness quantumagically fluctuated and God came out of it and then decided to create the Universe as we see it. @gnome – Thanks For Your Comments – *Really* Enjoyed Your “quantumagical fluctuated” Phrasing – Nonetheless, Even Positing “Nothing is unstable” May Be Setting A Condition (or property of sorts?) And Perhaps, May Need Some Explaining? – Seems That Descriptions Of “Nothing,” Even Those Noted Earlier In This Blog-Thread (by Smith/Guth/Vilenkin) As “Absolute Nothingness,” Actually Contains “Something” (noted or implied) (ie, “law of gravity,” “laws of quantum mechanics,” “quantum gravity,” “fluctuations,” “chaos,” “low/high entropy,” etc) Instead – The “Spontaneous Creation” Of “Something” From “Nothing” To, In Hawking’s Poetic Phrasing, “light the blue touch paper and set The universe going” Seems To Be Getting A Bit “curiouser and curiouser”? – In Any Case – Thanks Again – And – Enjoy!
COMMENT # 60. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 7th, 2011 at 9:01 pm
@gnome – Thanks For Your Latest Comments – I *Entirely* Agree With Your Thinking – Also, I Was Well Aware, And *Thoroughly Enjoyed*, Your Earlier Tongue-In-Cheek Statements But, Nonetheless, Took The Occasion To Try And Add A Bit More To The Main Discussion – Seems We’re *Very* Similar In Our Viewpoints – Thanks Again For Your Comments – And – Enjoy!
ALTERNATIVE WEBSITE: PAGE 1 (archive/b)+PAGE 2 (archive/b)+PAGE 3 (archive/b)+PAGE 4 (archive/b).

* Science: Creation of Charles Darwin (nyt-20090909).[110][no-DB-link](#10)

80.September 9, 20092:31 pmLink
Another “Excellent” Essay About Darwin And Evolution By Dr. Olivia Judson – Guess Our Earlier NYT Comment ( ) Might Apply Here As Well.
— Dr. Dennis Bogdan

*** Science: TRAVEL TO STARS IS A QUIXOTIC EFFORT? (nyt-20090610-a/b/c).[111]

Dr. Dennis Bogdan June 11, 2009 · 12:40 pm Excellent Essay about a fascinating subject.
Since there may be more stars than there are grains of sand on planet earth (// and since some of the relatively few stars studied so far seem to be associated with exo-planets of one sort or another, it seems reasonable to me (at least at the moment) that a certain number of stars may be associated with earth-like exo-planets in fact – of these, a certain number may even occupy a “habitable zone” and support life-forms of some sort – of these, a certain number may even contain clever life-forms, much like ourselves, perhaps. A possibility – very, very remote perhaps – but a possibility nonetheless.
That said —
Actually “connecting-up” with such life-forms, if any, might be quite a challenge – after all, the distances between worlds is really, really enormous. According to my calculations (//, a space ship traveling 60,000 mph, considerably faster than any human endeavor at the moment, would take about 50,000 years to reach the nearest star beyond our solar system. [Note: A Project Orion-type propulsion system (// might make the interstellar journey somewhat shorter – but considerable journey times might be expected to be involved in any regards.]
All in all, a quixote quest of sorts?
Dr. Dennis Bogdan, Pittsburgh, PA

* Science: Real Space Travel Facts (nyt-20090414).[112]

Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA - April 14, 2009
Thank You for your *Excellent Article* about the real facts regarding human space traveling - we couldn't agree more - in fact, we published similar notions about some of these real facts in our LiveJournal (and elsewhere) not too long ago - if interested, see our internet Links at the following:
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan - Pittsburgh, PA
2 Recommend

*** Science: HUMANKIND'S "PROGRESS" (pgh-20081208-a/b/c).[113]

Humankind's 'progress' - TRIBUNE-REVIEW | Monday, Dec. 8, 2008 12:00 a.m.
I greatly enjoyed Dimitri Vassilaros' column " Shop till you drop " (Nov. 28 and, which suggested that "wanting more" encourages "progress." Yes, but ... Apparently, for about 6 million years, mankind was confined to a relatively small area (northeastern Africa) of planet Earth. About 50,000 years ago, mankind seems to have wandered to other areas -- mostly to places that are colder. Mankind was able to survive these colder, less-hospitable climates by being clever -- it would seem. Currently mankind is planning, by again being clever, to wander out from Earth to the Moon, Mars and beyond -- mostly to places that are even more cold and even less hospitable. But is this march into the cold and the inhospitable "progress?" Has "wanting more" duped mankind into a colder, less-hospitable future• Are humans bright or are humans just naturally not very bright after all -- at least in terms of the overall scheme of nature and the universe?
Dennis Bogdan - Baldwin Borough

* Science: Restored Moon-Earth Image (nyt-20081119).[114]

Dr. Dennis Bogdan - NOVEMBER 19, 2008 AT 8:49 AM
Excellent Restored Moon-Earth Image – We’re Favorably Impressed.
Dr. Dennis and Joanne Bogdan

*** Science: HUMANS ARE BEST IN THE UNIVERSE? (nyt-20080617-a/b/c).Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

"Excellent Article – fascinating subject – just wondering – if these asexual bdelloid rotifer life-forms are really able to be thoroughly dried-up (“desiccated” as noted), and survive successfully in a completely waterless state (“suspended animation” as noted), and then later be fully reconstituted with water or the like, could they also be sufficiently resilient (and hardy), as a dried-up (dust-like?) life-form, to be worthy space-travelers of sorts and travel among the stars, via comets and meteorites perhaps, seeding the universe? Can the life-forms presently on our planet be the evolved descendants of these, or similar, space-traveling dust-like, waterless life-forms, settling on our planet billions of years ago? Afterall, the earliest evidences of life on our planet are apparently the fossilized remains of very, very simple life-forms. Maybe life on our planet, rather than having a very special (and exclusive?) beginning here on our planet, was the result of dust-like, waterless life-forms falling from the stars instead?
"On a somewhat related matter – could the search for water (as a way of discovering life-forms) on the Planet Mars with the Phoenix Lander be too limiting since there may be life-forms that can, apparently, survive quite successfully without any water whatsoever?
"In any case, just a few thoughts.
"Incidently, and if interested, a similar discussion, with somewhat different hardy (and resilient?) simple life-forms, may be found at the following:
— Dr. Dennis Bogdan"

* Science: Enter The Cybrids (nyt-20080523).[115][no-DB-Link]

"In our view - an EXCELLENT (and *very* responsible) presentation of what might seem to some as a “Brave New World” kind of notion. We’re favorably impressed. Thanks."
Posted by Dr. Dennis Bogdan

* Art: True *State of the ART* in Erotic Films? - Review (IMDb-19990617).[116]
Zazel: Philip Mond's Scent of Love (1997 Video) - 10/10

"Zazel" may be the true "State of the ART" in erotic films at the moment. 17 June 1999 As far as I can tell, "Zazel" represents the true "State of the ART" in erotic films at the moment. The film may be better than most, if not all, mainstream art films. In fact, the film is so artistically well-done and beautiful, I believe this film should be exhibited in some way (appropriately of course) in a high-quality art museum! According to my present understanding, this film was one of the first erotic films to be released in the new High Tech DVD Video LaserDisc format. The film is very impressive with lots of artsy stuff and high-fashion models as well as quality erotic settings and goings-on - everything about this film is first-class including the hi-fi stereo background music. A Highly Recommended View (but perhaps not for all tastes or for those who might find erotic material, even that which is very well-done and meritorious, objectionable for some reason)!
Dr. Dennis Bogdan - Grandmaster Editor at Wikipedia (User:Drbogdan)

* USA: "Confidential Survey Questioned" - Letter (LTE) (wsg-19740910).[117][no-DB-Link]

Williamsport Sun-Gazette - Tuesday, September 10, 1974
Editor, Sun-Gazette:
"Confidential" information is presently (Sept. 4-Oct. 18, 1974) being sought of 1,800 randomly-selected individuals residing in Clinton and Lycoming Counties with the stated "important" aim "to help governmental organizations in their planning of programs and services for citizens."
"The study is conducted by the Pennsylvania State University Field Research Laboratories and sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Welfare. Information requested includes medical, employment, financial and family histories of the willing respondent.
Although revealing such information to those qualified may be necessary for personal benefit with regard to reliable medical diagnosis, tax collection, job placement or marriage/family counseling. It is the opinion of this writer that such information may be unnecessary for the stated aim of the welfare study.
What appears to be truly sought by such a study are opinions and suggestions from interested individuals on how best to improve the present govermental handling of the welfare service. There are ways in which this may be performed without arousing unfavorable public opinion. One possibility is that specific welfare problems be defined, published in a public record, such as a newspaper, with the request that those readers interested may wish to respond with specific solutions. Another possibility is that questionaires, if essential, be sent to individuals and returned by willing participants in some anonymous manner.
One sure way to arouse unfavorable opinions among the public would appear to be to conduct a general study with a broad objective into the private affairs of known individuals which does not clearly relate to the stated aim of the study.
Furthermore, the cost to the taxpayers of the welfare study in question, involving over 70 paid interviewers, instructors, computer time and whatnot, may be better spent to arrive at answers to welfare problems in a more favorable (open or anonymous) manner.
Dennis Bogdan, Ph.D.
1119 Packer Street.
[Williamsport, PA]

* Bogdan, Dennis (August 1, 2016). "Comment - DrBogdan Timelines - What is 'Nature' in Nature Photography? - Ganesh H. Shankar". Archived from the original on 2018-08-18. Retrieved 2023-03-25. – Archives: Ghostarchive: => / Wayback => / WebCitation => / =>[118]

"ESSAY On NATURE: Includes My Wikipedia Timelines !
DrBogdan Timelines - What is 'Nature' in Nature Photography? - August 1, 2016
Dennis Bogdan
Hello Ganesh H. Shankar,
FWIW - Thank you *very much* for putting into art and poetry what I was trying to do with my Wikipedia Timelines ("Nature"; "Life"; "Human") - Your words are *greatly* appreciated - Thanks again - and - Enjoy! :)
Dr. Dennis Bogdan
Ganesh H. Shankar
Dear Dr. Dennis Bogdan, Thank you so much. The precious work of people like you makes our time on the net worth while. My sincere thanks for sharing your knowledge and time with us.


  1. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (December 19, 2023). "Comment - Trump Ballot Ruling - Trump Is Disqualified From the 2024 Ballot, Colorado Supreme Court Rules - Former President Donald J. Trump's campaign said it planned to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. - Maggie Astor". The New York Times. Archived from the original on December 19, 2023. Retrieved December 19, 2023.
  2. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (December 8, 2023). "Comment - E.U. Agrees on Landmark Artificial Intelligence Rules - The agreement over the A.I. Act solidifies one of the world's first comprehensive attempts to limit the use of artificial intelligence. - Adam Satariano". The New York Times. Archived from the original on December 9, 2023. Retrieved December 9, 2023.
  3. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (November 21, 2023). "Comment - America Needs a Pro-Democracy Conservative Legal Establishment - The Trump Threat Is Growing. Lawyers Must Rise to Meet This Moment. - George Conway, Michael J. Luttig and Barbara Comstock". The New York Times. Archived from the original on November 21, 2023. Retrieved November 21, 2023.
  4. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (November 5, 2023). "Comment - A Guide - The James Webb Space Telescope is a giant leap in the history of stargazing. - Our view of the universe will never be the same. - Kate LaRue". The New York Times. Archived from the original on December 2, 2023. Retrieved December 2, 2023.
  5. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (October 30, 2023). "Comment - At Ballet Theater, a Thrilling Puck and a Moment to Take Stock - Jake Roxander's soaring Puck in "The Dream" was the highlight of American Ballet Theater's final two programs this fall, the first season programmed by Susan Jaffe. - by Brian Selbert". The New York Times. Archived from the original on November 1, 2023. Retrieved November 1, 2023.
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  7. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (October 15, 2023). "Comment - 8 Sex Myths That Experts Wish Would Go Away - Everyone else is having more sex than you. Men want sex more than women do. And more. - Catherine Pearson". The New York Times. Archived from the original on October 15, 2023. Retrieved October 16, 2023.
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  9. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (October 2, 2023). "Comment - Same-Sex Behavior Evolved in Many Mammals to Reduce Conflict, Study Suggests - But the researchers cautioned that the work could not shed much light on sexual orientation in humans. - Carl Zimmer". The New York Times. Archived from the original on October 4, 2023. Retrieved October 4, 2023.
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  11. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (September 24, 2023). "Comment - A NASA Spacecraft Comes Home With an Asteroid Gift for Earth - The seven-year OSIRIS-REX mission ended on Sunday with the return of regolith from the asteroid Bennu, which might hold clues about the origins of our solar system and life. - Katrina Miller". The New York Times. Archived from the original on September 24, 2023. Retrieved September 25, 2023.
  12. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (September 20, 2023). "Comment - The Animals Are Talking. What Does It Mean? - Language was long understood as a human-only affair. New research suggests that isn't so. - Sonia Shah". The New York Times. Archived from the original on September 21, 2023. Retrieved September 21, 2023.
  13. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (September 13, 2023). "Comment - A Professor's Remarks on Sexual Consent Stir Controversy. Now He's Banned From Campus. - Stephen Kershnar, who teaches philosophy, is suing for the right to return to SUNY at Fredonia. The university defends its ban as necessary for safety. - Vimal Patel". The New York Times. Archived from the original on September 14, 2023. Retrieved September 14, 2023.
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  17. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (August 24, 2023). "Comment - How a Harvard Professor Became the World's Leading Alien Hunter - Avi Loeb's single-minded search for extraterrestrial life has made him the most famous practicing astronomer in the country — and possibly the most controversial. - Seth Fletcher". The New York Times. Archived from the original on August 24, 2023. Retrieved August 24, 2023.
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  21. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (July 24, 2023). "Comment - Scientist's Deep Dive for Alien Life Leaves His Peers Dubious - Avi Loeb, a Harvard astrophysicist, says that material recovered from the seafloor could be from an extraterrestrial spacecraft. His peers are skeptical. - Katrina Miller". The New York Times. Archived from the original on July 24, 2023. Retrieved July 24, 2023.
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  31. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (March 19, 2023). "Comment - Review: In Fosse's 'Dancin',' a Wiggle Is Worth a Thousand Words - A revival of the 1978 dancical has been substantially revamped to argue for Bob Fosse's pure dance cred. It's a joy anyway. - Jesse Green". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 10, 2024. Retrieved April 10, 2024.
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  49. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (July 12, 2022). "Comment - The Lonely Work of Picking the Universe's Best Astronomy Pictures - In June, specialists gathered in Baltimore to select images from the James Webb Space Telescope to share with the public. Keeping the results to themselves hasn't been easy - Joshoa Sokol". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
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  77. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (January 9, 2019). "Comment - How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution - The extravagant splendor of the animal kingdom can't be explained by natural selection alone — so how did it come to be? - Ferris Jabr". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 17, 2024. Retrieved April 17, 2024.
  78. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (October 15, 2018). "Comment - There May Soon Be Three Internets. America's Won't Necessarily Be the Best. - A breakup of the web grants privacy, security and freedom to some, and not so much to others. - The Editorial Board". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 17, 2024. Retrieved April 17, 2024.
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  81. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (June 14, 2018). "Comment - Asteroids and Adversaries: Challenging What NASA Knows About Space Rocks - Two years ago, NASA dismissed and mocked an amateur's criticisms of its asteroids database. Now Nathan Myhrvold is back, and his papers have passed peer review. - Kenneth Chang". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 18, 2024. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
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  86. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (June 28, 2017). "Comment - Greetings, E.T. (Please Don't Murder Us.) - Steven Johnson". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 18, 2024. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
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  88. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (February 22, 2017). "Comment - 7 Earth-Size Planets Orbit Dwarf Star, NASA and European Astronomers Say - Kenneth Chang". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 18, 2024. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
  89. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (February 20, 2017). "Comment - Cosmos Controversy: The Universe Is Expanding, but How Fast? - A small discrepancy in the value of a long-sought number has fostered a debate about just how well we know the cosmos. - Dennis Overbye". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 18, 2024. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
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  95. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (November 13, 2014). "Comment - Landing on a Comet, a European Space Agency Mission Aims to Unlock the Mysteries of Earth - Kenneth Chang". The New York Times. Archived from the original on April 18, 2024. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
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  109. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (August 3, 2011). "Comments - A Universe Out Of Chaos - Sean Carroll". Discover Magazine. Archived from the original on April 18, 2012. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
    COMMENT # 09. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 3rd, 2011 at 10:33 am
    Thanks For Your Comments – Seems Your Proposal Is That The Universe Did NOT Come From “Nothing” – But From “Something” (“Chaos” and/or “Fluctuations”) Instead – Is This Type Of “Somethingness” *Always* Present? – And Related Perhaps – Is True Absolute “Nothingness” *Always* NOT Present? – In Any Case – Thanks For Your Comments – And – Enjoy!
    COMMENT # 53. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 6th, 2011 at 1:50 pm
    Hawking: “Because there is a law like gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” Smith: “…explanation of the creation of a universe from literally nothing subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.” Smith: “This is what physicists mean by “nothing”. Nonexistent space-time, subject to the laws of quantum mechanics.” Yes, But Are These Wordings *Really* Describing “Absolute Nothingness” As Noted (or implied?) – Or Something *Less* (or more?) Than “Absolute Nothingness” – After All, Conditions Are Noted (“law of gravity,” “laws of quantum mechanics,” and the like) As, Perhaps, Pre-Existing(?) When Discussing “Absolute Nothingness” – Wouldn’t “Absolute Nothingness” Be Entirely Un-Conditional, And Without Such Pre-Existing (original/initial/apriori?) Conditions Also? – If Not, Aren’t Such Noted Conditions “Something”? – And Maybe, Require An Explanation Of Their Beginnings From True “Absolute Nothingness” As Well? In Any Case – Enjoy!
    COMMENT # 57. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 7th, 2011 at 8:13 am
    This is easy to solve. Nothing is unstable. Since its ‘nothing’ there is nothing to confine what can and will arise from it. Anything can come out of nothing. So this nothingness quantumagically fluctuated and God came out of it and then decided to create the Universe as we see it. @gnome – Thanks For Your Comments – *Really* Enjoyed Your “quantumagical fluctuated” Phrasing – Nonetheless, Even Positing “Nothing is unstable” May Be Setting A Condition (or property of sorts?) And Perhaps, May Need Some Explaining? – Seems That Descriptions Of “Nothing,” Even Those Noted Earlier In This Blog-Thread (by Smith/Guth/Vilenkin) As “Absolute Nothingness,” Actually Contains “Something” (noted or implied) (ie, “law of gravity,” “laws of quantum mechanics,” “quantum gravity,” “fluctuations,” “chaos,” “low/high entropy,” etc) Instead – The “Spontaneous Creation” Of “Something” From “Nothing” To, In Hawking’s Poetic Phrasing, “light the blue touch paper and set The universe going” Seems To Be Getting A Bit “curiouser and curiouser”? – In Any Case – Thanks Again – And – Enjoy!
    COMMENT # 60. Dr. Dennis Bogdan Says: - August 7th, 2011 at 9:01 pm
    @gnome – Thanks For Your Latest Comments – I *Entirely* Agree With Your Thinking – Also, I Was Well Aware, And *Thoroughly Enjoyed*, Your Earlier Tongue-In-Cheek Statements But, Nonetheless, Took The Occasion To Try And Add A Bit More To The Main Discussion – Seems We’re *Very* Similar In Our Viewpoints – Thanks Again For Your Comments – And – Enjoy!
    ALTERNATIVE WEBSITE: PAGE 1 (archive/b)+PAGE 2 (archive/b)+PAGE 3 (archive/b)+PAGE 4 (archive/b).
  110. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (September 8, 2009). "Comment - The Creation of Charles Darwin - Olivia Judson [Unlinked Comment (177357) by Dr. Dennis Bogdan]". The New York Times. Archived from the original on September 26, 2012. Retrieved April 18, 2024. The New York Times - September 9, 2009 - [Actual News Article is copied below] - - The Creation of Charles Darwind - Olivia Judson - Comments Section - 80. September 9, 2009 - 2:31 pm "Another “Excellent” Essay About Darwin And Evolution By Dr. Olivia Judson – Guess Our Earlier NYT Comment ( ) Might Apply Here As Well. Dr. Dennis Bogdan" — Posted by Dr. Dennis Bogdan
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  115. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (May 20, 2008). "Enter, The Cybrids - Olivia Judson [Unlinked Comment (160665) by Dr. Dennis Bogdan]". The New York Times. Archived from the original on February 5, 2023. Retrieved April 18, 2024. The New York Times - May 20, 2008, 11:41 pm - [Actual News Article is copied below] - Enter The Cybrids - Olivia Judson - Comments Section - 149. May 23rd, 2008 3:28 pm
  116. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (June 17, 1999). "Comment - Review: "Zazel" may be the true "State of the ART" in erotic films at the moment. - Dr. Dennis Bogdan". IMDB. Archived from the original on April 18, 2024. Retrieved April 18, 2024.
  117. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (September 10, 1974). "Letter (LTE) - Confidential Survey Questioned. - Dr. Dennis Bogdan". Williamsport Sun-Gazette. Archived from the original on August 7, 2023. Retrieved April 18, 2024.Williamsport Sun-Gazette - Tuesday, September 10, 1974
    Editor, Sun-Gazette:
    "Confidential" information is presently (Sept. 4-Oct. 18, 1974) being sought of 1,800 randomly-selected individuals residing in Clinton and Lycoming Counties with the stated "important" aim "to help governmental organizations in their planning of programs and services for citizens."
    "The study is conducted by the Pennsylvania State University Field Research Laboratories and sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Welfare. Information requested includes medical, employment, financial and family histories of the willing respondent.
    Although revealing such information to those qualified may be necessary for personal benefit with regard to reliable medical diagnosis, tax collection, job placement or marriage/family counseling. It is the opinion of this writer that such information may be unnecessary for the stated aim of the welfare study.
    What appears to be truly sought by such a study are opinions and suggestions from interested individuals on how best to improve the present govermental handling of the welfare service. There are ways in which this may be performed without arousing unfavorable public opinion. One possibility is that specific welfare problems be defined, published in a public record, such as a newspaper, with the request that those readers interested may wish to respond with specific solutions. Another possibility is that questionaires, if essential, be sent to individuals and returned by willing participants in some anonymous manner.
    One sure way to arouse unfavorable opinions among the public would appear to be to conduct a general study with a broad objective into the private affairs of known individuals which does not clearly relate to the stated aim of the study.
    Furthermore, the cost to the taxpayers of the welfare study in question, involving over 70 paid interviewers, instructors, computer time and whatnot, may be better spent to arrive at answers to welfare problems in a more favorable (open or anonymous) manner.
    Dennis Bogdan, Ph.D.
    1119 Packer Street.
    [Williamsport, PA]
  118. ^ Bogdan, Dennis (August 1, 2016). "Comment - DrBogdan Timelines - What is 'Nature' in Nature Photography? - Ganesh H. Shankar". Archived from the original on August 18, 2018. Retrieved March 25, 2023. – Archives: Ghostarchive: => / Wayback => / WebCitation => / =>