COVID-19 Perceptions


The concept of COVID-19 Perceptions or COVID-19 Perception (also known as Pandemic Perceptions or Pandemic Perception) was introduced by Mahmoud, Grigoriou, Fuxman, et al. in 2020.[1][2]

COVID-19 perceptions can be defined as “the perceived probability of discomfort and/or worry, during the COVID-19 pandemic, concerning the pandemic's adverse health, economic, and social ramifications articulated as disruptions to people’s pre-pandemic everyday life – leading to a redefining of everyday life to the ‘new normal’” (Mahmoud et al., 2021, p. 587).[3]

The conceptualization of COVID-19 perceptions is based on earlier work by Mahmoud, Grigoriou, Fuxman, & Reisel (2020) and Mahmoud & Reisel (2015), which articulated the Personal Experience of Wartime Crisis.[4][5]


  1. ^ Mahmoud, A. B., Grigoriou, N., Fuxman, L., & Reisel, W. D. (2020). Political advertising effectiveness in war-time Syria. Media, War & Conflict, 13(4), 375-398.
  2. ^ Mahmoud, A. B., Grigoriou, N., Fuxman, L., Reisel, W. D., Hack-Polay, D., & Mohr, I. (2020). A generational study of employees’ customer orientation: A motivational viewpoint in pandemic time. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 30(8), 746-763.
  3. ^ Mahmoud, A. B., Hack-Polay, D., Fuxman, L., & Nicoletti, M. (2021). The Janus-faced effects of COVID-19 perceptions on family healthy eating behavior: Parent's negative experience as a mediator and gender as a moderator. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62(4), 586-595.
  4. ^ Mahmoud, A. B., Grigoriou, N., Fuxman, L., & Reisel, W. D. (2020). Political advertising effectiveness in war-time Syria. Media, War & Conflict, 13(4), 375-398.
  5. ^ Mahmoud, A. B., & Reisel, W. D. (2015). Exploring personal experience of wartime crisis effects on job insecurity in Syria. Psihologia Resurselor Umane Revista Asociaţiei de Psihologie Indusstrială şi Organizaţională, 13(2), 245-256.