A woman in Seoul, South Korea, 2007.
General Statistics
Maternal mortality (per 100,000)16 (2010)
Women in parliament15.7% (2011)
Women over 25 with secondary education79.4% (2010)
Women in labour force49.2% (2011)
Gender Inequality Index
Value0.153 (2012)
Global Gender Gap Index[1]
Value0.6351 (2013)

Women in South Korea have experienced great social change in recent years following the miracle on the Han River, and especially women’s social status improvement over the last 30 years, it was shown that women’s social status has become practically equal to men’s in many social sectors, such as in occupation, legal rights, education, political participation, and other areas. However, despite all this evidence of official equality, it still raises questions about the true nature of the improvement of women’s social status and the gender-equality due to the remaining inequality, such as the scarcity of women in professional fields, the prevalent imbalance of housework, the coherent belief of gender differences, and other factors. Korea remains a patriarchal society.



In traditional Korean society, women's roles were confined to the home. From a young age, women were taught the virtues of subordination and endurance to prepare for their future roles as wife and mother. Women, in general, could not participate in society as men did. The role of women was to support husband.[2]

The era under the colonial administration of imperial Japan, lots of Korea women almost Up to 200,000 were sent to work as comfort women in Japan's military brothels, Until the end of WWII, Korea was under Japanese occupation.[3]

After becoming independent from japan, the Republic of Korea is established with liberal democracy. Women who have pursued education, work, and public life naturally achieved constitutional rights for equal opportunities as same as men have. For example, several schools were founded for education of women. Women educated from these schools began to engage in the arts, teaching, economy activities, and enlightening other women.[4] Rate of Women has steadily increased in professional fields which result in significant contributions to society such as increasing GDP. As developed economic activities, the educational level of women also increased, more professional. Today, Korean women received high level of education actively participate in a wide variety of fields, including education, medicine, engineering, scholarship, the arts, law, literature, and sports.[5] By elected first female president, Park Geun-Hye, women activities are expect to be more various and active because Park promised a “women’s revolution” such as child care, increase opportunity for promotion, and payment. This promise encourage to increase the representation of women, to facilitate women’s employment and provide support for female workers, to increase educational opportunities for women to be competitive in the labor market, to provide social welfare policies for women, to promote women’s involvement in various social activities.[6] park Geun-Hye government declared that overcoming the low birth rate and expended female economic activity. Specifically happy pregnancy and making proper environment for raising child and free education expansion from 0 to 5child and women’s economic activity expansion by raising 10 million talented women workers and  obligatorily appointed several women executive  in company. For encouraging pregnancy and birth, she decided to support milk powder and diapers to 12 month infant of lower-Income group, and increase support money for couple who do not have a baby, and reduce the working hour when pregnant. For free education and care of child, government provide 0~2 years old infant with full amount of money to raise and increase allowance for caring child, and enhance quality and publicity of private facilities for education and due car, and build 50 of public facilities per year and switch 100 of the existing operating private facilities into public facilities per year.[7] For expanded female economy activity, Park geun-hye Government was aimed at increasing female participation in economic activities to at least OECD average level, Compared average of OECD is over 60%, participation of women in economy activity is 54.9% in South Korea. She said increasing the rate of women’s participation in economy activities is necessary to sustainable growth of country economy. To increase the rate, the government suggests flexible working conditions to resolve the rigidity of full time working which force women to make a choice between economic activity and parenting. Also the government has been commercialized the traditional works which women are primarily responsible in the family or community such as cooking or nursing under creating a workplace for women.[8]



Prostitution in South Korea is illegal, but according to one estimate, brothels, bars, massage parlors, discos, and what are known as "Taiwan style" barbershops (that is, those often employing a greater number of masseuses than barbers) employed as many as 1 million women, though not all were prostitutes. This underworld of abuse and exploitation has begun to be criticized and exposed by women's activists.

South Korean law first acknowledged women as rapists in June 2013; in 2015, the first woman was charged with rape in South Korea.[9] The woman, only identified with her surname Jeon, was also the first woman to be arrested for sexually abusing a man.[9]



In traditional Korean society, women received little formal education. Christian missionaries began establishing schools for girls during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Ewha Womans University began as a primary school established by Methodist missionaries in 1886 and achieved university status after 1945. Chongsin Girls' School and Paehwa Girls' School were founded in 1890 and 1898, respectively, in Seoul. Soongui Girls' School was established in 1903 in Pyongyang. By 1987 there were ten institutions of higher education for women including universities, colleges, and junior colleges; women accounted for approximately 28 percent of total enrollment in higher education. There were approximately 262,500 women students in colleges and universities in 1987. However, only about 16 percent of college and university teachers were women in 1987.

The growing number of women receiving a college education has meant that their sex role differs from that of their mothers and grandmothers. Many college-educated women plan independent careers and challenge the right of parents to choose a marriage partner. The often fierce battles between university students and police during the late 1980s included female participants. A correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review quoted a male student leader as saying that "short girls make great demonstrators, as they're very tough and very hard to catch." Whether politically active South Korean university women will follow their Japanese counterparts, who demonstrated during the 1960s and 1970s, into a world of child-raising and placid consumerism remains to be seen. The number of employed married women, however, increased by approximately 12.6 percent annually in the years since 1977.

In 1983 more women—51.8%—were employed in rural areas than in urban areas—37.9 percent. Most of the women working in rural areas were over the age of thirty, as young females (and males) tended to move to, and seek employment in, cities and industrial areas.

Official South Korean statistics indicated that 43.6% of women were in the work force by 1988.[citation needed] Prospects for lower class women, however, were frequently grim. In some cases, they were obliged to become part of the "entertainment industry" in order to survive economically. According to one estimate, brothels, bars, massage parlors, discos, and what are known as "Taiwan style" barbershops (that is, those often employing a greater number of masseuses than barbers) employed as many as 1 million women, though not all were prostitutes. This underworld of abuse and exploitation had begun to be criticized and exposed by women's activists.

Family life


During the Goryeo and early Joseon Dynasty, it was customary for the married couple to live in the wife's parents' household. This arrangement suggests that the status of women was then higher than it was later during most of Joseon. Neo-Confucian orthodoxy dictated that the woman, separated from her parents, had a primary duty of providing a male heir for her husband's family. According to the custom, once married, a woman had to leave her parents' household and then become a part of her husband's household. The relationship between wife and husband was often, if not usually, distant, aptly described by the Korean proverb: "By day, like seeing a stranger; by night, like seeing a lover." Joseon Dynasty law prohibited widows from remarrying, though a similar prohibition was not extended to widowers. Further, the sons and grandsons of widows who defied the ban, like children of secondary wives, were not allowed to take the civil service examinations and become scholar-officials.

The duty of a woman to her husband, or rather to her husband's family, was absolute and unquestionable. In the traditional society, only men could obtain a divorce. A husband could divorce his spouse if she were barren -- barrenness being defined simply as the inability to bear sons. Even if a husband did not divorce his wife, he had the right to take a second wife, although the preferred solution for a man without a son during the Joseon Dynasty was to adopt a son of one of his brothers, if available. The incompatibility of a wife and her in-laws was another ground for divorce.

In contemporary society, both men and women have the right to obtain a divorce. Social and economic discrimination, however, make the lot of divorced women more difficult. The husband may still demand custody of the children, although a revision of the Family Law in 1977 made it more difficult for him to coerce or to deceive his wife into agreeing to an unfair settlement. The rate of divorce in South Korea is increasing rapidly. In 1975 the number of divorces was 17,000. In the mid-1980s, the annual number of divorces was between 23,000 and 26,000, and in 1987 there were 45,000 divorces.

The tradition of total female submission persisted in Korean villages until relatively recent times. One Korean scholar who came from the conservative Chungcheong region recalled that when a high school friend died of sickness during the 1940s, his young bride committed suicide. Her act was commemorated in her own and the surrounding communities as an outstanding example of devotion to duty.

Traditionally, men and women were strictly segregated, both inside and outside the house. Yangban women spent most of their lives in seclusion in the women's chamber. It is said that the traditional pastime of nolttwigi, a game of jumping up and down on a seesaw-like contraption, originated among bored women who wanted to peek over the high walls of their family compounds to see what the outside world was like. Economic necessity gave women of the lower classes some freedom as they participated in farm work and sometimes earned supplemental income through making and selling things.

As of February 2015, adultery is no longer illegal in South Korea.[10]

Professional life


According to The Economist's 2013 "Glass-ceiling index" of five indicators of friendliness towards working women, South Korea ranks the lowest of all OECD countries because of its lack of women in senior jobs.[11] Historically, however, a small minority of women played an active role in society and even wielded political influence. These people included female shamans (mudang), who were called upon to cure illnesses, tell fortunes, or in other ways enlist the help of spirits in realizing the wishes of their clients. Despite its sponsorship of neo-Confucianism, the Choson Dynasty had an office of shamanism, and female shamans often were quite influential in the royal palace. The female physicians who treated female patients (because male physicians were forbidden to examine them) constituted another important group of women. Sometimes they acted as spies or policewomen because they could get into the female quarters of a house. Still another group of women were the kisaeng. Some kisaeng, or entertainers, were merely prostitutes; but others, were talented musicians, dancers, painters, and poets who interacted with their male patrons. The kisaeng tradition perpetuated one of the more dubious legacies of the Joseon past: an extreme double standard concerning the sexual behavior of married men and women that still persists. In the cities, however, many middle class women have begun to break with these traditions.

An interesting regional variation on traditional female roles continued in the late 1980s. In the coastal villages of Cheju Island, women divers swam in search of seaweed, oysters, and other marine products and were economically self-sufficient. Often they provided the main economic support for the family while the husband did subsidiary work — took care of the children and did household chores — in sharp contrast to the Confucian norm. The number of women divers was dwindling, however, and men were increasingly performing jobs in service industries. Ancestor worship was rarely practiced while female-centered shamanistic rites were widespread.

The factories of South Korea employ hundreds of thousands of young women on shop floors and assembly lines making, among other things, textiles and clothes, shoes, and electronic components. South Korea's economic success was bought in large measure with the sweat of these generally overworked and poorly paid female laborers. In the offices of banks and other service enterprises, young women working as clerks and secretaries are indispensable. Unlike their sisters on Cheju Island, however, the majority of these women work only until marriage.

Although increasing numbers of women work outside the home, the dominant conception, particularly for the college-educated middle class, is that the husband is the "outside person," the one whose employment provides the main source of economic support; the wife is the "inside person," whose chief responsibility is maintenance of the household. Women tend to leave the labor force when they get married. Many women manage the family finances, and a large number join kye, informal private short-term credit associations that give them access to funds that might not be obtainable from a conventional bank. Probably the most important responsibility of married women is the management of their children's education.

In 2013 Kwon Seon-joo became South Korea's first female bank CEO, as the CEO of state-owned Industrial Bank of Korea.[12]

See also



  1. ^ "The Global Gender Gap Report 2013" (PDF). World Economic Forum. pp. 12–13.
  2. ^ "Traditional Role of Women". Korea 4 Expats. K4E Consulting. 23 March 2015. Retrieved 22 April 2015.
  3. ^ Li, Zoe (17 June 2014). "UNESCO lists Nanjing Massacre and 'comfort women,' China says". CNN U.S. Edition. Cable News Network, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Retrieved 24 April 2015.
  4. ^ Resos, Archie (10 March 2014). "The Empowerment of Women in South Korea". journal of internatinoal affairs. Columbia University SIPA. Retrieved 27 april 2015. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  5. ^ Chun, Ye Eun (23 december 2013). "Why Korean Women Opt Out". world policy blog. world policy blog. Retrieved 27 april 2015. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  6. ^ "Faced with overwhelming pressures, South Korean women have gone on baby-strike". Women in South Korea A pram too far. the economist. 26 octobor 2013. Retrieved 27 april 2015. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  7. ^ kim, joseph (7 april 2014). "In-depth: South Korea's fix-all 'childcare'". asian correspondent. asian correspondent. Retrieved 27 april 2015. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help)
  8. ^ won, jeong, Sook-yeon, Mi-yeon. "Factors affecting female workers' perceived discrimination in the workplace: an analysis using the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Family". Retrieved 27 april 2015. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |access-date= (help); Cite journal requires |journal= (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ a b "Woman charged with rape for first time in South Korea, AsiaOne Asia News". Retrieved 2015-04-05.
  10. ^ Greg Botelho and K.J. Kwon, Court rules: Adultery no longer a crime in South Korea February 26, 2015
  11. ^ "The glass-ceiling index". The Economist. 2013-03-07.
  12. ^ 1:44 pm KSTDec 30, 2013 (2013-12-30). "South Korea Banks Get First Female CEO - Korea Real Time - WSJ". Retrieved 2015-04-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)

  This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain. Country Studies. Federal Research Division. (Data from 1990.)
