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Frederico de Faria e Silva, better known as Cedê Silva (born January 21, 1986), is a journalist and Wikipedia contributor. Born in Belo Horizonte, he currently lives in São Paulo, Brazil.

Self-nicknamed Doidimais Brasil (which literally means "Overcrazy Brazil") in his early teenage years, he is currently best known - and styles himself as - Cedê Silva.

A bachelor in both International Relations and Journalism, Cedê Silva works since November 2013 as a TV producer for the Brazilian version of Caiga Quien Caiga.

He joined Wikipedia on December 5, 2003.

This page has been vandalised three times.


Bookmarks edit

External links edit

Frederico F. Silva, in a slightly different picture

en This user speaks English at native level.
ptEste usuário/utilizador tem como língua materna o português.