Thanks for stopping by. I'm new to wikipedia, so please bear with me as I develop this page reeeeeel slow.

I’m originally from London. Before moving to Denmark with my family in 2004, I had lived in Michigan, California, Utah and Berlin (Germany).

As well as English, I speak and understand German, and (to some degree) Danish.

I'm very interested in

  • Current affairs
  • Football (soccer y'all)
  • American literature (20th & 21st century)
  • Languages
  • Oil and business
  • Photography
  • Calligraphy
  • Design (particularly how it dovetails with text)
  • Usability (web or otherwise)
  • Psychogeography

and somewhat interested in

  • Geography (particularly maps)
  • Rock Music
  • International style architecture
  • Islamic architecture
  • Morocco
  • Turkey
  • The Gulf states

This user enjoys photography.
This user is a professional editor.
This user is a member of
the Guild of Copy Editors.
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
wiki-1This user is a beginning Wikipedia editor.

This user has visited 40+ of the 205 countries in the world.
This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know.
This user lives in Denmark