European Young Chemists' Network

Suggestion for the Organization paragraph of the English page:

The EYCN consists of a Board with three Executive Board members and five complementary teams (Membership Team, Networks Team, Global Connections Team, Science Team and Communication Team) that have their own responsibilities, and each is managed by a Team Leader. The Delegate Assembly (DA), a meeting of the national chemical societies' representatives, takes place annually and the Board members and the Team Leaders are elected biennially. Being one of the most active divisions of EuChemS, the EYCN's main goal is to support and mentor students, early career researchers and professionals through awards (best poster and best oral presentation prizes, the European Young Chemist Award - EYCA), exchange programs (congress fellowships, Young Chemists Crossing Borders - YCCB program) and educational activities (conferences, Career Days, soft-skills symposiums).

Since its establishment, chemical societies from 28 countries have elected young chemists-delegates to represent their young divisions at the EYCN: Austria (2008), Belgium (2008), Croatia (2019), Cyprus (2017), Czech Republic (2007), Denmark (2019), Finland (2008), France (2007), Germany (2006), Greece (2011), Hungary (2006), Ireland (2008), Israel (2011), Italy (2007), Republic of North Macedonia (2018), The Netherlands (2007), Norway (2014), Poland (2008), Portugal (2007), Romania (2007), Russia (2008), Serbia (2011), Slovakia (2018), Slovenia (2015), Spain (2007), Sweden (2010), Switzerland (2007), Turkey (2007), United Kingdom (2007).


Other essential information


The election of new delegates for the EYCN from the individual chemical societies/members of the EuChemS is an ongoing process given that EuChemS was first established 50 years ago, while EYCN only in 2006. Considering this, together with the links provided above, it is clear why the list of countries/members of the EYCN is constantly changing and is different from that of the EuChemS.

If the list of countries is not accepted in the Organization paragraph, it will be included in the map caption using the individual numbers to indicate each member.