Week 2:

First Assignment:

Climate change article:

  • The article includes many relevant, reliable sources discussing the scientific articles containing research on factors relating to climate change like glaciers, arctic sea ice loss, and analysis of factors such as precipitation and pollen.
  • The article provides terminology for about climate change as well as causes and evidence. All of the information included seems directly related to the topic of climate change. I thought it was organized well in subsections and nothing seemed distracting in the article.
  • The article seems to just present facts about climate change and its evidence and causes.
  • When clicking on sources, source 49 leads to a page that cannot be found, but I think I found that by chance. All of the other links that I clicked on lead to their respective articles.
  • This article is semi-protected, meaning that only registered and confirmed users are able to edit. I think it is semi-protected because of the varying beliefs regarding climate change. Many do not believe that climate change exists so I would think that makes it difficult for all users to come to a consensus regarding climate change without getting into a adding and deleting information "fight" on Wikipedia. I think it is a good thing. I think increases the validity of information that users put on the climate change page.
  • The talk page is kind of interesting because it seems to discuss a lot about the template and structural details of the article and details about editors gaining access. They talked about how it is also a controversial subject that could be a target for saboteurs, which is probably another reason this article is semi-protected.
  • I noticed that the page also suggests further reading articles.

Effects of climate change on plant biodiversity article

  • I noticed that in the Effects of Temperature subheading of Modern Context does not contain an in text citation about facts regarding temperature and the physiology of plants.
    • There is also an image of the temperature anomaly under the Effects of Temperature subheading that shows a temperature distribution, unrelated to biodiversity.
  • This article gives context to the effects of biodiversity to introduce the subject and then it discusses the direct impacts of climate change on biodiversity, discussing change in distribution and life-cycle. It also addresses indirect impacts of climate change on biodiversity and higher level changes.