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Russian casualties of war lists deaths of Russian armed forces and Russian citizens caused by conflicts in which the Russia was involved.

Russian Casualties of War


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Ellie looked at both of them. Then Sophie noticed she wasn’t quite looking at them, she was looking somewhere between them, her gaze wandering slightly and unfocussed. They had wrapped her in pressure bandages, and had stemmed the bleeding, but Sophie hoped whoever it was she had called to would get here soon. She was worried about her state, though she seemed to be stable.

Ellies eyes closed, and layed here head down on the pillow. Sophie looked at her chest, and put her ear to her mouth. She was still breathing fine, she just seemed to be asleep.

“I think she’s a bit out of it. I hope her friend comes soon” Sophie said.

Tomoko had a look of concern strewn across her face “We will have to go downstairs, they will not be able to get in. We can look out the veranda” Tomoko turned to the open doors looking out of the apartment, “Sophie!” Tomoko was looking down at the dreamcast headset, which were sitting on the chair out on the veranda.

“I didn’t use it.” Sophie replied, her hands raised, shaking her head.

“Sophie, you use that, you will become a summoner.”

Tomoko put her hand out open palmed towards Sophie “Give me the headset… you cannot use that anymore.”

“No,” Sophie replied.

“You are crazy.” Tomoko grabbed the headphones out of her hand, but Sophie held on to them tight, putting one hand on the headset, her other hand securing Tomoko’s.

“Ok, okay, listen I promise I won’t use it, without talking it over with you.”

“OK” Tomoko’s hand lifted off the Headset “You use it… and you will become a summoner”

“I’m already a summoner…”

Sophie heard a strange noise, a clicking sound.

She turned around to see Ellie pointing a pistol at them.

Ellie was looking at them, out of focus, blinking, trying to see.

“You’re… you’re a summoner?” She said.

Then Sophie saw the flash of the muzzle, and a loud bang reverberated through the apartment.

Chapter Ellie

Sophie threw herself to the ground, behind a bed and saw Tomoko do the same. Ellie kept firing. Bullets ripped through the air, but they were wild and high. Ellie adjusted her aim and she fired off a number of rounds that went into the bed.

The gun clicked repeatedly, empty of bullets.

Sophie hopped up from the floor, the glyph for a sleep spell in her hand. She threw it with gusto at the prone shooter who was staring at the gun as it clicked. She then saw that Tomoko was doing the same, perhaps just a second after her.

Ellie slumped back then slid down the wall, asleep.

They both froze looking at each other. Sophie looked around the room, there was still smoke rizing from the gun, the smell of gunpowder, and the ringing in her ears. There were bullet holes in the walls and the bed.

She looked down at her body, she wasn’t hit

“Sophie are you ok?” There was concern in Tomoko’s voice.

“Yes I’m fine. You?”

Tomoko patted herself down, partially in shock. “Yes, I think so”

They looked at each other silently, looked at Ellie, then looked back at each other.

For a moment there was silence, then there was yelling, screaming from the rest of the hotel.

Sophie could hear multiple doors opening, movement outside. She locked the door.

“We have to go, now”


“Err,” Sophie looked around “Can you fly us out the window, down to the scoots”

“Oh” Tomoko was still looking around “Yes, I can carry you”

“Quick, get the stuff”

Sophie wasn’t sure how long they had. She looked around the room, she grabbed a bag, put clothes in it. She could hear people outside, calling out, someone still screaming. People asking if anyone was hurt. Then there was banging on the door

“Hey. IN there, are you ok? Is anyone hurt?”

They looked at each other, and Tomoko shook her head, putting a single finger to her lips to indicate quiet. They gathered the last of their things, Tomoko hand flicked through the air, making a practiced fly glyph, which looked like the shape of birds wings with two horizontal lines.

She floated them out the veranda window, just as they landed, people were coming over to the hotel.

They walked quickly, Sophie fighting the urge to run so that they wouldn’t get attention. They pushed their scooters away from the hotel, and once out of sight, started them and headed off down the street as fast as they could.

Sophie didn’t know where they were going, but as long as they got their fast and it was away from the hotel


Conflict Start End Military Dead Civilian Dead Total Dead Note
Soviet-Japanese War 7 August 1945 2 September 1945 9,780 9,780 "When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler" [1]
Ukraine War 2021 2024 300,000 300,000 Russia Casualties Death Toll Ukraine Avdiivka Counteroffensive[2]
Afghanistan 1979 1988 14,500 14,500 Casualties of the War in Afghanistan[3]
First Chechen War 1994 1996 14,000 14,000 Casualty Figures Jamestown Foundation - first Chechen War[4]
Second Chechen War 1999 2009 6029 30,000 6029 "Defense and Security / PressPATROL [5]
Russo-Georgian War 7 August 2008 12 August 2008 162 65 227 "The Tanks of August" [6]

See also



Category:Military history of Russia

“So, there is something I need to let you know…err…talk about. A different thing.”

“Of course old girl,” Sophie could see Rupert was his normal formal self, but there was a tone of concern in his voice. “What is it?” I was dreamcasting with Johannes. He…was talking about specialties.” “Specialties?” Rupert looked at her squinting slightly. “He said he is moving me up to choose my path.” “Your path? Your school? I’m awfully sorry old girl, but you now, well, you’re an illusionist. That’s what my family are. That’s in your DNA. That’s what you have to be, you don’t have any choice as far as I can see.” Sophie just stared at him and shook her head. Rupert crossed his arms, then uncrossed them and put them down his side, then crossed them again.” “I’m not an Illusionist. According to Johannes, I’m a…” “You’re a…?”

Sophie could almost not bring herself to say it. Saying it would somehow make it real. She had a feeling she had been able to get by, avoid dealing with it, by putting it out of her mind. Now she was forced to deal with it, but she desperately needed to talk to someone about it. “Mama, I’m a summoner. A demon summoner.”

Chapter - The Last Summoner

Rupert’s both hands immediately cupped his mouth, stifling an involuntary muffled cry. Sophie could see his eyes widen as he looked at her, staring.

“You…you can’t be. You’re… from a long line of Illusionists, like me.” “He said it. He was clear. He’s going to start teaching me. Mama, I… need help. I need to know what to do.” “Firstly, who have you told?” He said. “Just Tomoko. I can trust her, and Ellie, one of the Oldenburg rebels, who was partially delirious and tried to shoot me.” “Tried to shoot you?” Sophie nodded. “Yeah, well if you tell people you are a summoner, you can get used to that,” “Great…”

Rupert looked at her under his brow, then closed his eyes to think “Yes, well…don’t tell anyone else. Whatever you do.” He stared at his daughter till it was rude, then caught himself, and stared at the ground, silently instead. It was another twenty seconds before he spoke.

“Well you have two choices, drop being a mage and smash up your headset, never do spells again. That’s the safe option, and as your mother, that what I would recommend.”

“Ok..what is my other option?” “Well as you know, in many ways, I’m not a normal mother.” “You have a moustache…” “Appearance aside, I’m not a normal mother in that I have prioritised being a mage over being your mother. And that side of me says… do it.” “Do it?” “Embrace it. What is it you feel you want to do? Do you want to continue?” “Can I just stop, and use the spells I have?” Sophie said. “You are now forever a summoner. Even if you stop learning new spells, that’s your path.” Sophie stared at the floor, chewing her fingernail. She took her finger out of her mouth, used to Harlan telling her off for doing it, even though he wasn’t in the room.

“Sophie you are my daughter. You’re a smart girl. It may be there is some grand reason why you are a summoner. Maybe you can use it. May be there are other summoners out there, that may be used by our enemies. But telling people, could get you jailed, or killed.” As far as Sophie knew there were no other summoners. The last remaining one was the sole prisoner in the Witches prison, the Drudenhaus in Bamberg. The entire complex was empty, except for him, the last summoner. Sophie didn’t like asking her Rupert for help, it made her feel she owed her mama something, and she didn’t want to be in that position. But this was something she wasn’t prepared for. Sophie sat, staring at the ground. She had been in a good mood up until this, but she knew she had been putting off dealing with the fact that she was apparently a summoner. “I’m going to keep going. I’m going to get the specialty. If there is a use for being a summoner, I can help the mages, the folk, Bamberg. I can use it, if need be.” “Against the Hansa” “Yes.” Rupert said nothing staring at her for twenty seconds or so. Then just nodded. “You’ve made your decision. Now go and learn. But this is an immense power. Hopefully you should never use it at all. But years from now, when you know how to use it, if you do need to, consult with people… me, the Prince, Tomoko and Harlan. Don’t make the decision yourself.” Sophie nodded. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, she felt a sense of relief. All of society was geared to hate and despise summoners, and largely with good reason. The fact she had told two people that she was one, made her feel relieved, and supported. She would learn to be a summoner, even if it took years, and perhaps it would be useful to protect her friends. But she would tell no one else.

  1. ^ Glantz, David M. & House, Jonathan (1995), When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler, Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, ISBN 0-7006-0899-0, p. 300
  2. ^ "Russia Casualties Death Toll Ukraine Avdiivka Counteroffensive" Newsweek October 31, 2023
  3. ^ "The Soviet War In Afghanistan" The Atlantic 8/2014
  4. ^ Casualty Figures Jamestown Foundation Archived August 14, 2014, at the Wayback Machine/
  5. ^ "Defense and Security / PressPATROL / Media Monitoring Agency WPS".
  6. ^ Tanks 2010, pp. 130–135.