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Title Series # Project Gutenberg #
Overland Kit; or, The Idyl of White Pine 1
Rocky Mountain Rob, The California Outlaw; or, The Vigilantes of Humbug Bar 2
Kentuck, the Sport; or, Dick Talbot at the Mines 3
Injun Dick; or, The Death Shot of Shasta 4
The Scalp Hunters. A Romance of the Plains 5
The Prairie Mazeppa; or, The Madman of the Plains 6
The Silent Hunter; or, The Scowl Hall Mystery 7
The Man from Texas; or, The Outlaws of Arkansas 8
The Red Rajah; or, The Scourge of the Indies 9
The Winged Whale; or, Red Rupert of the Gulf 10
Idaho Tom, The Young Outlaw of Silverland; or, The Hunters of the Wild West 11
The White Squaw 12
The California Detective; or, The Witches of New York 13
Maum Guinea; or, Christmas among the Slaves 14
Mad Dan, the Spy of 1776. A Centennial Story 15
Red Arrow, The Wolf Demon; or, The Queen of the Kanawha 16
Turkey Dan; or, The Unionist's Daughter. A Tale of Tennessee 17
Pacific Pete, The Prince of the Revolver 18
Simon Girty; or, The Queen of the Woods 19
Dakota Dan, the Reckless Ranger; or, The Bee-Hunters' Excursion 20
Red Rob, The Boy Road-Agent 21
Old Dan Rackback, The Great Extarminator; or, The Triangle’s Last Trail 22
The Phantom Hand; or, The Heiress of Fifth Avenue. A Story of New York Hearths and Homes 23
Gentleman George; or, Parlor, Prison, Stage and Street 24
The Heart of Fire; or, The Human Tiger 25
The White Witch; or, The League of Three 26
Deadly-Eye; or, The Prairie Rover 27
Nick Whiffles' Pet; or, Ned Hazel, the Boy Trapper 28
Old Bull's-Eye, The Lightning Shot of the Plains 29
Bowie-Knife Ben, The Little Hunter of the Far Nor'-west; or, The Exiles of the Valley of Shadows, A Thrilling Tale of the Great Hunting Grounds 30
Jack Rabbit, The Prairie Sport; or, The Wolf Children of the Llano Estacado 31
Silver Sam; or, The Mystery of Deadwood City 32
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