
The theory of ( evlucion) is a reactionary theory to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin in his theory of evolution maintains that, the evolutional process in all species is one that which affects the ( corporeal ) or physical form ( existence ) of a species. Whereas evlucion, maintains that, the transformational process of species is not that of the corporeal (existence), but rather of incorporeal (substance). Therefore, although the theory of evlucion supports the view as suggested by Charles Darwin in that species undergo a consistent progressional process of transformation or as he stated ( evolution ) in nature ( natural society ). The theory of evlucion however maintains that, such a process is one which involves a species incorporeal ( essence ), their (inherent-properties), as opposed to their corporeal (existence) or physical body. Therefore, the differentiating factor between the theory of evlucion and that of Darwins evolution, lies in their possition on the nature of a species evolvement, essence versus existence.


©September 06, 2016 Darius Radmanesh, all rights reserved.
  All species in their natural state, are motivated and driven by the instinctive drive for self-sustainability and preservation, which necessitates the procurement of those things which are essential in achieving this end which I call, there (inebition) for self-sustainability. inherent-property (natural instincts, traits etc.) are a crucial and fundamental attribute of a species ability so to achieving its inebition. For it is their inherent-properties or instinctive characteristics and traits which in relation with their ever-changing natural environment, enable species to adapt, evolve and ultimately to survive.  


"The Chimpanzees adaptation of using tools so to meet its inebition, such as cracking nuts with stones, fishing for termites with sticks and using moss to make sponges etc. These are all the evlucion attributes of the the Chimpanzee's inherent-properties, in accordance with his environment so to achieve his inebition for self-sustainability and preservation".


inebition is the opposite to inerbition. Whereby inerbition is the attribute of greed and is therefore mans insatiable strive for the hoarding and procuring of those things in life which are non-essential and are therefore excessive and superficial, and is mans strive for self-interest. Inebition in contrast however, makes reference to mans natural strive for procuring of essential necessities for his need for self sustainability and preservation.


©September 06, 2016 Darius Radmanesh, all rights reserved.

"inebition is mans instinctive drive for acquiring those essentials such as food and water which he needs for self sustainability and preservation".


inerbition is the opposite to inebition, whereby inebition makes reference to mans natural strive for procuring essential necessities for his need for self preservation. inerbition however to the contrast, is the attribute of greed and is therefore mans insatiable strive for the hoarding and procuring of those things in life which are non-essential and are therefore excessive, superficial and are alien and unnatural to the balance and order of the natural society. Such as worldly materialistic possessions and wealth, therefore inerbition makes reference to mans drive for self interest as opposed to inebition which is mans strive for self preservation.


"Scrooge's only drive in life is to serve his insatiable inerbition for the hoarding of wealth".


Is a fundamental and crucial attribute of the evlucion process, which holds that,  social-consciousness is a natural and inevitable process that occurs within the human species which is a natural entailment of the evlucion or the incorporeal evolvement of the species inherent-properties. Which are in effect an entailment of the species inebition for self-sustainability and preservation, and consequently leads to the increased and improved acuity in understanding of the species to both its natural and social environment.  inherent-consciousness is also a reactionary theory or standpoint to Karl Marx's definition of what constitutes social-consciousness :

"Social consciousness is consciousness shared by individuals within a society. Human beings enter into certain productive, or economic, relations and these relations lead to a form of social consciousness".

-Karl Marx
inherent-consciousness in contrast maintains that, social consciousness contrary to Marx's view in fact stems not from any material or economical standpoint or necessity. But rather that, it reflects upon certain cooperative social attributes and characteristics which constitute the very fabric and foundation of the social order within society:
a; behavior

b; interaction

c; communication/language

d; mannerisms

e; temperament

f; habits and personal or individual characteristics, traits and attributes etc.

Therefore, any material or economical developments that which may occur within society, are effectively incidental entailments of any such social order and not its primary purpose or cause of occurrence.

What gives the human species the upper hand or precedence within the natural food chain order ( Natural-society ) contrary to what  many have come to believe is entirely based  upon the Homosapien species superiorness in intellect. This viewpoint on its own is not entirely acurate, for the superiority of the spcies within the natural order also entails two additional factors which are in fact far more important and imperative in the establishing of the species predominance over other species. For intellect on its own holds no independent merit or identity, for intellect is in fact nothing more than an entailment, consequence or by-product of a species  advancement of its (inherent-consciousness) which enhances a species awareness, perception, acuity and understanding of both its natural and social environment and habitat which then renders into what we recognize as a species intelligence. which then inherent-consciousness in turn itself is an entailment and consequence of the level or advancement of a species inherent-properties or natural instincts, which provide the species the ability to adapt to its natural environment for survival.  inherent-properties then inturn are the product of a species innate drive for achieving its inebition for self-sustainment and preservation. Therefore, for us to both understanding and recognizing the human species pre-eminence and position within the order of natural-society in which he lives, in relation with other species. We must first assess and calculate the species position by comparing the advancement of the species inherent-properties and subsequently the species inherent-consciousness with that of other species within the natural order.   Since as we have already do to the tremendous contribution made by Charles Darwin established that, the natural order within nature is assessed and determined by the survival of the strongest. Than we must upon our investigating the mentioned properties of all species within that order,  determine as to which species is viewed to be the most capable, prevalent and advanced in its evlucional incorporeal attributes of inherent-properties and consciousness, and ultimately their ability to survive and sustain itself within the natural order more proficiently and effectively, and therefore be recognised as the stronger species within natural-society. 


The natural order of things, the balanced order and natural environment or habitatof that which all species live in their natural state is natural society.


"The animal Kingdom in the wild is natural-society".

contrasting values of self-preservation and self-sustainability

[[ The two self-preservation and self-sustain in nature are believed to hold common and therefore equal inebetional values, and are thus viewed as synonymous both in definition and purpose, however this is in correct. The two are categorized as ( primary- inebition ) and ( secondary-inebetion ):


Is an elemental attribute of the evlucion theory which maintains that. Morality of any variant rather it be religious or secular is a natural attribute of the human species character and therefore socially both their relevancy and importance in society is absolute. Whereby their application within human society is crucial to the species inebition for self-preservation and sustainability. In that they both are by essence synonymous in aim and objective, for they are essential elements which precondition the social environment that which man lives in. Consequintly rendering a more favorable atmosphere for enhancing the ability of the human species to exercise its natural inibition for self-preservation and sustainability more efficiently and effectively. The perfect example of this is the ( reciprocity-law) or ( golden rule ), whereby its principle is found to be embedded within the core attributes of both religious and secular moral convictions. An important element of the intrinsic-morality principle, is the defining of what constitutes those actions which can be viewed as being moral and immoral.


a; those actions are considered to be moral and ethical, that which enhance and safeguard man's natural inebition for self-preservation and sustainability in a social context within human society.

b; those acts are immoral, which in any way undermine, constrict, infringe upon or negotiate the human species natural inbetion for achieving self-preservation and sustainability in a social context within human society .
The species ability in achieving its inebetion for self-preservation and sustainability to its fullest potential is highly dependent upon two conditionS;
a; corporeal condition ( Species physical state or condition ).

b; incorporeal condition ( species mental state or condition ).
the stability and healthiness of both these conditions are absolutely paramount in the guaranteeing the quality and consequently the longevity of the species life. hence the saying (a healthy body and a healthy mind ) or ( a healthy mind in a healthy body ) thus the stability of either conditions are both equally crucial in the maintaining and preserving the other. It is therefore these two conditions which actions depending upon rather or not if they are moral or immoral have a profound effect. Which depending upon the nature of the act can either enhance or diminish the species corporeal or incorporeal condition thus either enhancing or undermining the species ability to achieve its inebition for self-sustainability and preservation efficiently and effectively. All actions rather of a moral or immoral disposition hold both corporeal and incorporeal forms;

a; corporeal actions ( actions either positive or negative which have a direct effect or impact upon the species physical state or condition ).

1. negative ( violence, aggression, the withstanding of essential commodities necessary for both the sustaining and enhancing the quality of life such as water, food, shelter, clothing, medicine etc. All corporal acts which diminish and compromise the species physical or material existence and consequently the longevity and quality of the species life ).

2. positive ( kindness and generosity in assisting with essential commodities which are essential in the sustaining of life such as food, water, shelter, medicine etc. All corporal actions which enhance the quality and longevity of the species life ).

b; incorporeal actions ( actions which have a direct effect or impact upon the species mental state or condition ).

1. Negative ( Those actions which constrict freedom of will and choice, both on a social and individual level in all matters of life and may cause potential emotional and mental stress and trauma such as , theft, deception or (Lie ) embezzlement, betrayal either on a personal or a social level such as in either a relationship, political or religious capacity etc.).

2. Positive ( permitting the exercising freedom of will and choice, both on a social and individual level in all matters of life, emotional kindness, expressive kindness and generosity, loyalty both either in a personal or social capacity and truthfulness etc
Therefore any ( negative ) act either of a corporeal or incorporeal nature, that which may in any capacity potentially cause emotional distress or trauma, resulting in diminishing the species ability to act and respond within human society rationally and productively. Therefore resulting in the compromise or diminishing the acuity and stability of either condition which in turn would potentially disrupt and destabilize the balanced and preconditioned harmony within the human social order or society. which would then in turn potentially result in the debilitating the species achieving its inebetion to its fullest potential or capacity. All such actions Would therefore be categorized as an immoral act, and to that same effect, any ( positive ) act either of a corporeal or incorporeal nature which may potentially enhance the species either one or both conditions, would be defined as a moral one. Ultimately the preserving and therefore the maintaining of the preconditioned social order within human society, is of paramount in engendering the positive environment much needed for the human species to flourish and therefore to be able and achieve its fullest potential in achieving its immediate inebetion in self-sustainability and consequently the long-term preservation of its species. It is also of great precedence to note that, morality by definition is a purely plural social condition, applicable and relevant only in a social capacity and is only relevant and applicable with the Homosepian species . Meaning that, both morality and its negative immorality are by essence social conditions which involve either a collective or cooperative Human social participation. without which within society, there can be no moral or immoral actions.


adverrant-norms define the composition of the social structure of all human species within the natural order (natural-society). These are categorized as having both inherent and adaptive-attributes:
1. inherent attributes ( Those natural attributes which all human species poses in the state of nature).

a; companionship/a mate.

b; family/kinship.

c; communication.

2. adaptive- attributes ( Those attributes which all human species adapt so to both enhance the quality, longevity and sustainability and preserving of life).

a; Language.

b; tribe/cities. 

c; society/comunity.

d; friendship.

e; religion.

f; social customs and traditions etc.


The human species requires two group of essentials so to both enhance and sustain its quality, sustainability and preservation of life. These are categorized as (corporeal) and (incorporeal) essentials:

a; incorporeal essentials - social and cultural norms for these generate within the human species a sense of identity resulting in the manifestation of self-confidence which in turn enhances the species productivity and social interaction and function within human society. They are also vital in the human species to form tight knitted unity with other membres of the species community on the grounds of common vocation, habit, mannerism, characteristic attributes, interests etc. which in turn leads to unity and cohesion, resulting in the increased level of the species survival.

b; corporeal essentials - food, shelter, water, companionship, society or ( tribe or and family unit) resulting in the developing of a sense of tribalism or ( patriotism ) which in turn provide the numbers needed so to defend their territory, personal safety and essential natural resources and commodities needed for the species inebition for self-sustainability and preservation, territory and territorial boundary which provide both the source of essential natural resources for the human species to achieve its inebition for self-sustainability and preservation. It also provides safety and security of person and resources against intrusion, aggression and seizure by other human species tribes or individuals.
Charles Darwin also acknowledged in his works ( Natural selection ) and ( The Descent of Man) the importance of two mentioned essentials, patriotism or ( Tribalism ) and ( territorial borders ).
Darwines position on Tribalism:

“There can be no doubt that the tribe including many members who are always ready to give aid to each other and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over other tribes. And this would be natural selection.”

-Charles Darwin

(1871 Book,The Descent of Man, page 166)

Darwins position on territorial borders or boundaries:

"In early evolutionary history of the species, when nourishment was still scarce each organism would stake off a portion of territory which contained sufficient food supply and defend it to the death since without food he would perish. Thus the territorial and aggressive instincts firmly embedded themselves into the genetic code".

-Charles Darwin

(Theory of natural selection)


intrinsic-morality, is an elemental attribute of the evlucion theory which maintains that. Morality of any variant rather it be religious or secular is a natural attribute of the human species character and therefore socially both their relevancy and importance in society is absolute. Whereby their application within human society is crucial to the species inebition for self-preservation and sustainability. In that they both are by essence synonymous in aim and objective, for they are essential elements which precondition the social environment that which man lives in. Rendering a more favorable atmosphere for enhancing the ability of the human species to exercise its natural inibition for self-preservation and sustainability more efficiently and effectively. The perfect example of this is the ( reciprocity-law) or ( golden rule ). whereby its principle is found to be embedded within the core attributes of both religious and secular moral convictions. An important element of the intrinsic-morality principle, is the defining of what constitutes those actions which can be viewed as being moral and immoral.
a; those actions are considered to be moral and ethical, that which enhance and safeguard man's natural inebition for self-preservation and sustainability in a social context within human society.

b; those acts are immoral, which in any way undermine, constrict, infringe upon or negotiate the human species natural inbetion for achieving self-preservation and sustainability in a social context within human society.
The species ability in achieving its inebetion for self-preservation and sustainability to its fullest potential is highly dependent upon two conditionS;
a; corporeal condition (Species physical state or condition).

b; incorporeal condition (species mental state or condition).
The stability and healthiness of both these conditions are absolutely paramount in the guaranteeing the quality and consequently the longevity of the species life. hence the saying (a healthy body and a healthy mind) or (a healthy mind in a healthy body) therefore the stability of either conditions are both equally crucial in the maintaining and preserving the other. It is therefore these two conditions which actions depending upon rather or not if they are moral or immoral have a profound effect. Which depending upon the nature of the act can either enhance or diminish the species corporeal or incorporeal condition thus either enhancing or undermining the species ability to achieve its inebition for self-sustainability and preservation efficiently and effectively. All actions rather of a moral or immoral disposition hold both corporeal and incorporeal forms;
a; corporeal actions (actions either positive or negative which have a direct effect or impact upon the species physical state or condition).
1. negative (violence, aggression, the withstanding of essential commodities necessary for both the sustaining and enhancing the quality of life such as water, food, shelter, clothing, medicine etc. All corporal acts which diminish and compromise the species physical or material existence and consequently the longevity and quality of the species life).

2. positive (kindness and generosity in assisting with essential commodities which are essential in the sustaining of life such as food, water, shelter, medicine etc. All corporal actions which enhance the quality and longevity of the species life).

b; incorporeal actions (actions which have a direct effect or impact upon the species mental state or condition).
1. Negative (Those actions which constrict freedom of will and choice, both on a social and individual level in all matters of life and may cause potential emotional and mental stress and trauma such as , theft, deception or ( Lie ) embezzlement, betrayal either on a personal or a social level such as in either a relationship, political or religious capacity etc.).

2. Positive (permitting the exercising freedom of will and choice, both on a social and individual level in all matters of life, emotional kindness, expressive kindness and generosity, loyalty both either in a personal or social capacity and truthfulness etc).
Therefore any ( negative ) act either of a corporeal or incorporeal nature, that which may in any capacity potentially cause emotional distress or trauma, resulting in diminishing the species ability to act and respond within human society rationally and productively. Therefore resulting in the compromise or diminishing the acuity and stability of either condition which in turn would potentially disrupt and destabilize the balanced and preconditioned harmony within the human social order or society. which would then in turn potentially result in the debilitating the species achieving its inebetion to its fullest potential or capacity. All such actions Would therefore be categorized as an immoral act, and to that same effect, any ( positive ) act either of a corporeal or incorporeal nature which may potentially enhance the species either one or both conditions, would be defined as a moral one. Ultimately the preserving and therefore the maintaining of the preconditioned social order within human society, is of paramount in engendering the positive environment much needed for the human species to flourish and therefore to be able and achieve its fullest potential in achieving its immediate inebetion in self-sustainability and consequently the long-term preservation of its species. It is also of great precedence to note that, morality by definition is a purely plural social condition, applicable and relevant only in a social capacity and is only relevant and applicable with the Homosepian specie . Meaning that, both morality and its negative immorality are by essence social conditions which involve either a collective or cooperative Human social participation. without which within society, there can be no moral or immoral actions.

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©September 06, 2016 Darius Radmanesh, all rights reserved.