Dan Leveille (born August 5, 1988) is a web developer and entrepreneur.

Projects edit

In January of 2007, Dan created BookMaid, a used textbook exchange for Rochester Institute of Technology. It was originally named RITBook, but RIT threatened legal action upon Dan for the domain name, claiming it was trademark infringement. Dan also created rit.edu/go/eat, an iPhone web application aggregating hours of facilities on campus.

With his passion for LGBT activism via the internet, he started a social entrepreneurship project called Equaldex, a crowdsourced knowledge base for the LGBT movement, featuring LGBT rights maps, LGBT rights timelines, LGBT organizations, and LGBT news. Equaldex also has a LGBT blog, covering LGBT equality issues.

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Wikipedia involvement edit

Article creations edit

Dan has created the following articles:

Article contributions edit

Dan is a significant contributor of the following articles:

Image contributions edit

Wikipedia infoboxes edit

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