I have learned over the past forty + years that mainstream christianity is in gross error! 1John 5:19 says that the whole world lies in wickedness. That includes the church! I have a Pentecostal background and know now, since I left it's influence, that for the most part it is a cult. It, as do many other "organizations", has some truth but a whole lot of error! We must seek the Truth for only the Truth shall make us free!

If one stops and thinks about it, the law of entropy is at work in all things and that includes mainstream christianity! If mainstream christianity were not subject to the law of entropy it would have gotten better over the centuries that it has been in existence. But it hasn't gotten better...it's gotten worse thus proving that it indeed is also subject to the law of entropy!

The Pentecostal church, as do many...if not most/all other church organizations, suffers from the influence in most pulpits of those who have a Jezebel spirit. This demonic spirit can be recognized by the control that it exerts over those who submit themselves to it by attending church services and "obeying" directives handed down from the pulpit. Nearly every aspect of one's life is dictated by the pastor of the infected church. Also, another clue that the leadership of any particular church has the Jezebel spirit is being told that "you should never question the pastor!".

This Jezebel spirit is the power behind every effort to render the Word of God into a lie, or at the very least render it a fable that is not applicable in today's "modern" world.
