User:Daanschr/ Historical maps/ Augustus/ Maps based on wrong data

Octavian (later called Augustus) deposed Lepidus as triumvir in Africa in 36 BC, after a claim of Lepidus on Sicily in the aftermath of the war on Sextus Pompey. The army of Lepidus flipped sides to Octavian and Lepidus lost Africa to Octavian. From 36 BC, Octavian started a campaign to denounce Mark Antony, but it was not successful until 32 BC. Plans of Antony to give parts of the eastern Roman Empire to the children he had with queen Cleopatra of Egypt made a majority in the senate to declare war on Mark Antony.

Both Mark Antony and Octavian went on campaign. Mark Antony tried to conquer the Parthian vassal state Armenia in 34 BC and captured king Artvasdes, but Armenia stayed a Parthian vassal. Octavian conquered parts of Illyria between 35 BC and 33 BC. In 33 BC, king Bocchus II of Mauretania died, who gave his kingdom to the Romans in his will. Mauretania became a Roman province.

Final War of the Roman Republic

Mark Antony was defeated by Octavian at the Battle of Actium in Greece in 31 BC. In 30 BC, Octavian invaded Egypt. Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide and Egypt was incorporated into the Roman Empire as a province.

The Cantabrian Wars started in 29 BC.

Numidia is reestablished as a Roman vassal state n 29 BC, under king Juba II. Marcus Licinius Crassus conquers Dardania and Moesia in 29 BC and drives the Bastarnae from the areas south of the Danube river in 29 BC/28 BC. This area is given to the Roman ally, vassal, the Thracian Odrysian kingdom.

The Roman Republic came to an official end in 27 BC, with a change of the constitution, giving a lot of power to Octavian. Historians regard this date as the start of the Roman Empire. Octavian gained the title Augustus and is the first emperor of the Roman Empire.

In 26 BC, the prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, was ordered to establish Roman influence in Arabia Felix. His army marched through the Arabian dessert and was nearly wiped out. In the same year, Augustus was personally involved in a fullscale invasion of Cantabria. The fierce Cantabrian Wars would take another decade.

25 BC saw the Astures joining the Cantabri in the Cantabrian Wars. The Romans invaded Asturia. Aulus Terentius Varro Murena exterminated the Salassi, creating a route through the Alps from Italy to Gaul.

In the same year, Juba II ceased to be the king of Numidia and became king of Mauretania. Territories were exchanged between the Roman Empire and Juba II. King Amyntas of Galatia was killed in a local feud. Galatia was annexed by the Roman Empire and became a province.

Queen Amanirenas of Kush took advantage of the destruction of the Roman army in Egypt and invaded the Roman Empire, conquering Syene in 24 BC. A new prefect of Egypt, Gaius Petronius, defeated the Kushites and destroyed their former capital Napata in 22 BC.

In 21 BC/20 BC, Kush and the Roman Empire made peace in the Treaty of Samos. The border was settled on Hierasycaminos. The Armenians were fed up with their king Artaxias II and asked Augustus to intervene. Augustus send an army into Armenia in 20 BC and made Tigranes III king of Armenia. Most fighting ended in the Cantabrian Wars in 19 BC. Minor engagements continued until 16 BC. The Basques voluntarily became Roman.

Scribonius killed the Roman vassal ruler Asander of Bosporus in 17 BC. Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was send to intervene with some Roman legions.

In 16 BC-15 BC, the Alps, Raetia and Noricum were conquered by the Roman commanders Nero Claudius Drusus and Tiberius Claudius Nero. Noricum and the Ligurian tribes of the Cottian Alps of king Donnus kept their autonomy as Roman vassal states. In the meanwhile, governor Marcus Lollius of Gaul was defeated by the Germanic tribes the Sicambri, Tencteri and Usipetes on a raid.

In 13 BC the Thracians revolted, under command of chief Vologases of the Bessi against the Roman domination. They killed king Rhescuporis II of the Odrysian Kingdom. The Romans invaded Thrace in 12 BC and installed Rhoemetalces I as the new king.

In 12 BC, Tiberius was send to conquer Pannonia and Drusus to conquer parts of Germania. While preparing for the invasion, Drusus was attacked by the Sicambri, Tencteri and Usipetes, and responded with a counter-attack. In 12 BC, the Frisians were subdued and the Chauci were attacked in a naval operation, which included the construction of a canal from the Rhine to Lake Flevo. Between 12 BC and 9 BC, Drusus subdued the Sicambri, Usipeti, Marsi, Chatti, Tencteri and Mattiaci. In 9 BC he defeated king Maroboduus of the Marcomanni and continued through the area of the Cherusci, reaching the Elbe river. He died on the way home from a fall of his horse. Pannonia was conquered in 9 BC by Tiberius, who took over command from Drusus in Germania.