"Rod" type energyzoa feeding on "Orb" type flock

The extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis (ETZH) is and alternative hypothesis of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, that some of the UFO phenomena is best explained as being some kind of biological lifeforms and not creatures from other planets occupying physical spacecraft visiting Earth. The issue has already been a matter of discussion in astrobilological speculation known as the atmospheric beast hypothesis.

The hypothesis relating certain kind of UFO phenomenon to biological hydrozoa behavior was first formulated by Daniel Tarr [1] in 2006 and has not been accurately explored by the scientific community yet, and many organizations still have to engage in the study of UFO sightings and contact reports in relation to the extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis.


"Rod" type energyzoa flock

Could it be, that some of the orbital extraterrestrials are indeed some kind of plankton like energy creatures, with the difference of relative size and makeup. What if they are not flying saucers or mechanical spacecrafts flying in hyperspace, but in fact "primitive" energy beings gathering around an energy source - Planet Earth. As small and tiny the plankton may seem to us, as big and giant these orbs and disks may seem also. Giant they may seem, in fact these lifeforms may easily be different kinds of cosmic planktons of space.

These creatures are made up of pure energy, thus not biological in their makeup. They are physical, but on the higher end of the energy spectrum. This is why they are "invisible" and suddenly appear out of nowhere and this is why you can see them with infrared cameras, but not the naked eye. When some inner mechanism triggers, then they overflow with energy and thus appear in the visible spectrum too - this is what humans observe as strange lights or ufo phenomenon.

They are subtle energy beings living on the edge of our three dimensional physical dimension. They manifest in ours but probably inhabit another dimension made up of higher level energy. This is why they can flow through solid objects, appear and disappear, or "jump" great distances.

It is also likely that some of these energy creatures not only live in orbit, but also descend into the atmosphere and move about in high altitude. This could account for the more than common ufo orb phenomena and the ufo orb "fleets".

The energyzoa hypothesis also explains some of the fundamental problems that are hard to ignore, such as if these things are animals/Lifeforms/biological, and live in the atmosphere, why are we not inundated with UFO reports. Given the amount of global air traffic there should be far more reports than submitted by passengers than have been. The sky should be full of energyzoa all the time, yet it would appear that they can only been seen at certain locations, and atmospheric conditions. In fact the sky IS full of energyzoa, yet unvisible to the naked eye.


Trevor James Constable's 1957 Amoeboid Bioform 'Critter'

The extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis can be dated back to Trevor James Constable's "Sky Critter Theory", which is perhaps one of the strangest theories advanced as an explanation for the UFO phenomenon. Trevor James Constable was one of the proponents of the theory, claiming that UFO's came from a parallel universe known as Etheria and that there were two categories of UFO, some were machines and others living creatures. These invisible creatures he called "Sky Critters" and that they live in the atmosphere. Constable claimed to have captured both types of UFO on film, while working with James Woods during the 1950's and 60's. He wrote several books on the theory "They live in the Sky" in 1959, [2] under the pen name Trevor James, and "Sky Creatures: Living UFO's" in 1978. [3]

According to Constable, these bioforms, which are invisible to normal sight, can be recorded by infrared film and special techniques devised by Constable and described in his book "The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind Ufo's". [4] These objects, which Constable claims are an integral part of the overall UFO scene, are biological organisms native to our atmosphere and not extraterrestrial spaceships. When such bioforms enter the spectrum of visible light, they appear as rapidly moving, pulsatory light sources and are mutually confused with the more classical, structured interdimensional machines known as flying saucers.


"Rod" type energyzoa with "orb" flock

Some of the imagery of space phenomena discovered by Martyn Stubbs and David Sereda, clearly resembles some of the imagery of the microscopic deep ocean life forms, known as hydrozoa.

Could it be possible that the ufo orbs and lights are indeed new lifeforms very much like the hydrozoa of the deep oceans? Is it possible that such creatures actually exist? Well, lets bare in mind that new species are being discovered in the oceans regularly. So it is entirely possible that some unknown species of insect or other animal may somehow survive in the upper atmosphere. But is it likely?

This possibility was considered by the US Air Intel, as it was mentioned in "Project Saucer" a digest of Project Sign released 27 April 1949, stating that the objects appeared to act more like animals than anything else, and that the airmen involved in the incidents expressed the feeling that they were living organisms.

Further, one of Project Blue Book "Unknowns" describes the object(s) as being "Amoeba like": 208. Sept. 23, 1948; San Pablo, California. 12 noon. Witnesses: Sylvester Bentham and retired U.S. Army Col. Horace Eakins. Two objects: one, a buff or grey rectangle with vertical lines; the other a translucent "amoeba" with a dark spot near the center. The arms of the "amoeba" undulated. Both objects traveled very fast.

This mysterious aerial phenomena was also referred to as Foo Fighter during World War II.

In other reports during and after the War, the witnesses often describe the object or object's behavior or flight as resembling a flock of birds or a swarm of bee's. It should be noted that when allied aircraft were equipped with the H2S 10-centimetre radar, the Foo Fighter reports increased.

Now, when dealing in conjecture anything is possible. These biological UFO's live in the atmosphere. By the same token, given the reports of Undersea Objects, is it not possible that the creatures actually dwell in the sea, most of the time? As life began in the sea, why should some form of intelligent or semi-intelligent life not have evolved in, and remained in the Sea?

Two points are worthy of note: the first is the incredible speed attributed to these objects, the second being the objects ability to change color as it accelerates / decelerates. Several species of Cephalopod (Squids etc) can accelerate at considerable speed and also change color as camouflage. The Humbolt Squid when angered changes color from placid white to red. Several UFO reports state the object changing color from red to white.

If you observe their behavior and movement it is obvious that they act just like the microorganisms of our biological sphere. It's beautifuly portrayed in the first few minutes of Martyn Stubb's film "The Secret NASA Transmissions"[5] as well as David Sereda's film "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFOs".[6]

If one observes the filmed phenomenon from the extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis perspective, it is easy to come to some logical explanations for the phenomena.

A few examples could be:

Extraterrestrial Biology


One practical outcome of the extraterrestrial energyzoa hypothesis could be, is that a new line of biology should be introduced, which would carry out the scientific study of these beings.

As one example, perhaps the best candidates for "Energyzoa" are the "Atmospheric beast" or "Sky Critters" and what are termed "Rods," (see: Rod (cryptozoology)) - objects filmed globally, and on a scale so large that it tends to rule out the possibility that all of the images taken are fakes.


  1. ^ Daniel Tarr is user:cyberguru
  2. ^ Trevor James Constable, "They live in the Sky", Los Angeles New Age Publishing Company, 1958
  3. ^ Trevor James Constable, "Sky Creatures: Living UFO's", New York Pocket Book Library, 1978. ISBN 0671818422
  4. ^ Trevor James Constable, "The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind Ufo's", 1975
  5. ^ Martyn Stubbs: "Secret NASA Transmissions - Smoking Gun", UFO TV, 2001
  6. ^ David Sereda: "Evidence - The Case for NASA UFOs", Terra Entertainment, February 2002, ISBN 1893792838

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