Project: HaxMe is an opensource web project that "officially" began in October of 2009. It has been a work in progress since early 2008, but as of 2009, it only started unwrapping. HaxMe evolved from former pasts of "ExploitForums" and "ExploitNation", and it took off as a Web 2.0 community project - available to anyone, only days after its release. HaxMe is a computer security website which teaches you how to defend yourself from common hacking attacks & exploits. HaxMe is similar to "HackThisSite" or "HellBoundHackers" in a sense - but, is different. The site claims it:

isn't a gamesite where you can complete missions and earn points

but, it is rather an OpenSource project - in which, you complete missions, and earn access to the source code. Aside from its "security missions", HaxMe has many tools, tutorials, and videos to view and download. HaxMe has also thrown out a support team to answer questions and work on submissions with individual users. Everything is user submitted, and HaxMe has an operative community where a lot of discussion takes place at.

While HaxMe's site has acheived over 700 community members, analytics has pointed thousands of users viewing and taking part in HaxMe missions everyday. Only a few months into development, HaxMe has over 700 community members, and has over 670 additional active participants who scour the missions and new content.



HaxMe's portal runs off of a version, to keep the community aware of how far they are into the project. Currently, Haxme is in Alpha, where everything is still under test, and at the same time, is public.



HaxMe has said to have been working on some private features which will be available to the public in a later version of HaxMe. Some of these rumors have acclaimed that HaxMe is working on premium missions which may include Red Teams to complete.

These rumors have yet to be confirmed or denied.
