Amateur writer and photographer, writing/proofreading skills, have camera, will log on to the Internet.

Using Math

When using math in an article, there are two different types of markup that one can use. It is important to be consistent throughout an article and use the same type of markup. If a formula appears all on the same line, it would be better to use HTML than LaTeX, because L looks better in line than does; however it's generally a bad idea to attempt to render in HTML.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}

This Wikipedian recites the Wiki Prayer regularly.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the pages I cannot edit,
The courage to edit the pages I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
This user enjoys photography.
This user prefers Digital photography.
This user has completed a
half marathon.
This user enjoys playing card games.

pno-1This user is a novice pianist.
vln-1This user is a novice violinist.