This user is from Earth.
This user is a Citizen of the World (Terra, ).
This user contributes from Mumbai, India
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows.
This user contributes using Firefox.
This user contributes using a laptop.
IPThis user's IP is
This user uses DuckDuckGo as a primary search engine.
This user is a child at heart. He might have grown older, but he'll never grow up.
This user prefers cold weather.
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately...
2=1 This user knows that 2=1.
This user plays the piano.
This user is a swimmer.
George Bernard ShawThis user may be a bit eccentric, but is definitely not demented.
This user drives with 3 pedals.
stop signThis user opposes the overuse of stop signs and stoplights.stoplight
This user enjoys the works of
Sherlock Holmes.
This user enjoys reading humorous literature.
This user is a Sworn Brother
of the Night's Watch.
I am the sword in the darkness
This user is a fan of the Batman.
This user likes to read Tintin
comic albums and books about Tintin.
This user enjoys reading the newspaper.
This user drinks water regularly.
nomThis user is a foodie.
This user eats grapes
This user loves to eat fries, or chips.
View this userbox's documentationIt is approximately 09:40 where this user lives (India).Refresh the time
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
This user enjoys Bollywood films.
This user thinks that Charles Chaplin is the greatest actor of all time.
MDThis user loves Mrs. Doubtfire, and can't wait for the sequel.
This user enjoys high-definition television.
This user is a fan of Friends.
This user is a fan of The Office.
ITHello, I.T. , have you tried turning it off and on again? Is it definitely plugged in?
Ted This user has visited Craggy Island.
her?This user is a fan of Arrested Development.
This user would like to own one or more dogs.
This user wants to own one or more cats.
This user plays basketball.
This user enjoys chess.
This user prefers to play games on a PC.
This user uses µTorrent.
;) This user likes to wink a lot, usually by the combination of a parenthesis and semicolon, but sometimes with a pretty graphic.
.....This user is a professional procrastinator.
This user's Wikistress level is LOW. Everything is fine and dandy.
UBXThis user hopes you read each and every one of his userboxes! or else...
This user is one of an infinite number of "monkeys" editing Wikipedia right now.
This user's finger was bitten by Charlie.
HeheThis user has to go to the happy home because they're coming to take them away haha!
Cut what was becoming an infinite number of userboxes off here
to prevent your getting eye strain.
This little tag you are reading is a userbox.
This user loves userboxes.
This user has been using userboxes for too long and constantly refers to himself as "this user".
Mmm, userboxes This user thinks that more Wikipedians would like userboxes if they were edible.
ubx-5This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
This user believes that userboxes do not divide the Wikipedia community, but rather emphasise its diversity.
!This user is a userbox kleptomaniac.
Creating userboxes integrates psychotherapeutic techniques with the creative process to improve this user's emotional health and well being.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up his user page instead of actually writing something useful.
One can never have too many
This user is proud
to be a Wikipedian.
Kindness CampaignThis user is a member of the Kindness Campaign.
This user is a WikiSloth.
<>4K As of last count, this editor is NOT one of Wikipedia's top 4,000.
VThis user adheres to the philosophy that an edit a day keeps the vandals at bay.
This user fights vandalism.
This userbox was in a superimposed state of both existing and not existing until you saw it and fixed its state. (In other words, this user LOVES to get confused by quantum mechanics.)
This user is a bibliophile.
A red rose, a symbol for beauty.
This user is interested in beauty.
This user is old enough
to know better!
This user supports the promotion of health for mind, body, and spirit
This user enjoys philosophy.
This user is interested in Theism.
This user is interested in Mary and Mariology
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17
This user prays.
This user enjoys Christian hymns
"Abstain from every form of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:20
This user practices abstinence.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
This user believes that the universe began with a big bang when God said, Let there be light.
Elation. Elegance. Exaltation. All from God. Thank you God. Amen.
This user supports action to stop violence against women, particularly on December 6.
This user supports
renewable energy.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
This user prefers the metric system.
Eagle Nebula This user is interested in astronomy.
This user is a participant in
WikiProject India.
This editor is a WikiGnome.
evenThis editor is an eventualist.
WPC This user will get around to being a member of the Wikipedian Procrastination Club
This user edits Wikipedia, but doesn't know why. (Perhaps...)
This user enjoys do-it-yourself projects.
This user believes that articles are useless without images.
This user flies a Wikipedia Air Force stealth fighter in Operation Enduring Encyclopedia.
BS-0This person does not understand Bullshit (or understands it with considerable difficulties or does not wish to communicate in Bullshit).
This user is interested in
Ancient Israel.
REThis user's favourite subject is Religious Education.
This user is religious.
"He (Jesus) must increase; I must decrease." John 3:30
This user wants to become a true Christian.
This user values
faith over reason
This user's political choices grow from and reflect their faith and religious values.
This user loves God more than anyone and anything!
GodThis user loves God endlessly.
Ball This user believes GOD saves everyone - including YOU!
Rel-2This user is at an intermediate level of Religious and/or Spiritual understanding. Depending on how it is expressed, this user might very well be considered a traditionalist.
This user believes that life begins at conception / fertilization.

This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.*